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Author Topic: GTA3 for GBA amd more!  (Read 531 times)

Offline cloud345
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GTA3 for GBA amd more!
« on: March 30, 2002, 08:10:22 AM »
I dont know if this is old news but old or new its good news for all GBA owner. Also the great series of metroid is releasing Metroid IV. Sumgglers run also is coming.Zone of the enders is also coming to GBA but im not going to post what gamespot had to say about it. You can check that out over at gamespot.

Grand Theft Auto III
Developer: DMA Design
Publisher: Destination Software
Release Dats next? In Destination Software\'s Grand Theft Auto III, it\'s time to go to work for the mob, heisting cars, c
[Simulationapping rival gangsters, and turning the city into a war zone. GTAIII for the GBA clings to the same top-down viewpoint as other vehicle-based games, but with a violent twist. As you complete missions for mob bosses, you decide whether you\'re going to do it on foot or hijack a car. On foot, you can acquire weapons in order to destroy property and people, access hidden areas with useful power-up items, and interact with various in-game characters. In a car, however, you can run over pedestrians, trash buildings, deliver contraband, and participate in high-speed police chases. Oh yeah, the streetwalkers from the PlayStation 2 version are here too.

Sadly, the release of Grand Theft Auto III for the GBA has been pushed back to the end of the year. On the other hand, this gives developer DMA Design plenty of time to conjure up a worthwhile handheld companion to the PlayStation 2 game. Graphically, although the action is seen from above, the game will have tons of particle, damage, smoke, and flame effects. Overall, the building designs and car sprites lend a great deal of definition to the game\'s cities, though they\'re a little on the cartoonish side. The GBA\'s speedy visuals will also allow storefront windows to erupt just as extravagantly as sprays of bullets from a machine gun or gushes of blood from crushed pedestrians. Grand Theft Auto III is definitely rated M.

Smuggler\'s Run
Developer: DMA Design
Publisher: Destination Software
Release Date: 03/16/2002
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Stiff competition! [screenshot]
Follow the arrow.

Surprisingly, Smuggler\'s Run for the Game Boy Advance is a full 3D re-creation of its PlayStation 2 cousins. Executed with a mixture of 2D sprites and rotating/scaling 3D backgrounds, the game lets you drive, evade, and explore three different terrains--mountainous forest, the icy tundra, and a dusty desert. At times, rival gangs will attempt to steal contraband before you acquire it, leading to high-speed chases and vicious fender busting crashes.

Metroid IV
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date: Q4 2002
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At E3 2001, Nintendo had an oversized Game Boy Advance playing video footage of upcoming GBA games. The majority of these games saw the light of day during 2001--Mario Kart Super Circuit, Advance Wars, and Golden Sun , and so on. One of them, however, hasn\'t been heard from since. Scheduled for a 2002 release, Metroid IV will mark the return of Samus to the 2D gaming realm. Only 20 seconds of teaser footage of the game was shown at E3, but significant information can be deduced from that short presentation.

Power...up! [screenshot]
Grab \'em with the beam!

The action in Metroid IV will bring Samus aboard a large spaceship infested with Metroid creatures. Samus herself is bonded to one of the dastardly devils, providing her with new abilities, such as wall climbing. Familiar weapons like the wave beam, grappling beam, and morphing ball are still part of Samus\' arsenal, and energy tanks will be found throughout the game. Other than that, until Nintendo feeds the starving masses more information, all we can do is speculate as to what other goodies are in store for gamers. CG cinematics, an orchestral-style soundtrack, and the return of the Mother Brain are all possibilities.
  2. Grandia
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Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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GTA3 for GBA amd more!
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2002, 08:23:55 AM »
but.. but Z.O.E. was the only one i was interested in reading about!

i demand satisfaction!

Offline cloud345
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GTA3 for GBA amd more!
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2002, 10:59:19 AM »
You dont always get what you demand! But this time you will.....

Konami ships the handheld version of its popular PlayStation 2 game.
Konami has announced that it has shipped Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars for the Game Boy Advance. Unlike its PlayStation 2 counterpart, Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars is a turn-based action game in which players assume the role of Cage, a young boy who will have to take control of a variety of vehicles ranging from tanks and trucks to jet fighters and anime-inspired robots. Cage has to select what actions each vehicle will perform while engaging the enemy on the battlefield.

"Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars gives Z.O.E. fans an exciting new chapter in the saga," said Jason Enos, product marketing manager for Konami of America. "Fans of the original game and newcomers to the world of Z.O.E. will experience a deep storyline and over 30 hours of gameplay."
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GTA3 for GBA amd more!
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2002, 11:18:15 AM »
DMA DESIGN (Which is now rockstar studios) didnt make Smuggler\'s Run it was angel studios.


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