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Author Topic: What do you think?  (Read 1372 times)

Offline cloud345
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What do you think?
« on: March 31, 2002, 09:31:40 PM »
What do you think of all the consoles and their software? Im not talking about them as a whole im talking about them as individual sysytems and games.

PS2- Great grames graphics and stories.

GC- Fun games....I see a better line up later

X-box- to many ports so their softare wont sell. Their controller is poop. It has great graphics bad games.

All of this is my opinion. This is something im trying to figure out but I wont tell you yet. Just post what you think.
  2. Grandia
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Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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What do you think?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2002, 09:42:26 PM »
oh god..

5 pages of Watchdog defending himself against ooseven calling the XBox "Poopycrappysuckysuckytasteslikepoopywithasideofslaw-Box".. coming right up..

Offline cloud345
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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2002, 09:43:33 PM »
thanx for your opinion\'s bob!
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

Offline 182Ways
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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2002, 10:10:05 PM »
  • Out of the three current next-gen consoles, this is the only one I own.  I\'ve had it since day one (10.26.2000), and it has brought me countless hours of enjoyment.  There are just so many games that I\'m proud to own that it\'s often overwhelming.  Right now, for example, I\'m playing 3 games at once, and I don\'t want to finish any of them.  But at the same time, I want to get through them so I can begin playing even more games.  It was $299.99 well spent, and I can\'t wait to see what the future holds for Sony\'s lil\' black box.
  • Not much to say here... My only experience with an Xbox totals to about half an hour worth of gaming on a kiosk at my local EB.  I\'ve yet to be impressed with the graphics, although I\'ve never seen DoA3 in motion, so I won\'t go any further in that respect.  As for games:  Like I said, I haven\'t played much, so I can\'t say a lot concerning their actual quality.  I\'m interested in a few current and upcoming titles, but not a lot has caught my eye.  The next console I buy - if I buy one - is likely to be an Xbox.
  • I have even less experience playing on a Gamecube than I do with on an Xbox.  The only game I played was Luigi\'s Mansion, and that only consisted of me running around a couple rooms for about five minutes.  So, um... yeah.  I\'m looking forward to playing Resident Evil, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, and the new Zelda, but until they\'re released, I\'m not interested in a Gamecube.  In the long run, I think it\'ll fare about as well as the Nintendo 64.

Offline ooseven
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« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2002, 01:32:17 AM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
oh god..

5 pages of Watchdog defending himself against ooseven calling the XBox "Poopycrappysuckysuckytasteslikepoopywithasideofslaw-Box".. coming right up..

Damn it Bob

you can read me like a book ;)

ok i promise not to use the words Flop and Box in the same post !
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Offline mm
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« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2002, 03:12:53 AM »
i wont get involved this time
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Offline Hawke
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What do you think?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2002, 03:40:14 AM »
LameCube : Celda seems interesting enough, and it\'s getting some other cool games in the future (hopefully). Anyways, it\'s a games console, so I\'ll be getting one eventually.

SuXBoX : Got Hello : Wombat Evolved, and some other cool games in the future (hopefully). Anyways, it\'s a games console, so I\'ll be getting one eventually.

PayStation 2 : Muddle Git Solid 2, Devil My Cow and other great games, and more on the way. Anyways, it\'s a games console, so I got one already.
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Offline SonyFan
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« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2002, 06:18:21 AM »
Playstation2: Excellent Library of games, tons of developer support, comfortable controller, wide array of connectivity thanks to USB. The best system for the money right now, IMO. Could use a price drop, solid online plans, and better graphics though.

GameCube: A handful of quality titles with a few more leaking out at sporatic and distant intervals. If you\'re looking for instant gaming gratification, the Gamecube most likely won\'t accomodate at this time. They\'re set up to have some excellent titles in the future though. Low price point is a great incentive, but lack online plans as of yet.

Xbox: Promise. A handful of great and original games, tons of ports which may end up making a "Me Too" console if Microsoft isn\'t careful. The most powerful hardware wise, and comes standard with a harddrive which is a very nice - if underused- feature. Solid online plans, which unfortunately cut off most of their customer base from online play since it\'s broadband only. For those who have broadband, the Xbox will probably provide the best online experience this generation. Controller is a bit uncomfortable to most people.

Dreamcast: Yeah, it\'s dead.. but it\'s still outselling the Xbox in Japan. :P It was still a contender in the 128 bit wars, and should still be included in this IMO. Desperately underpowered, but had a ton of great games available for it. Online out of the box through 56k, and still the only console that\'s currently online, but could have made a lot of people happier if the BBA was more widely available. The VMU was an excellent and novel idea, even if they ate some pretty expensive batteries.
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Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
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Offline Ashford
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« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2002, 11:29:01 AM »
When I see how mediocre and unappealing most games are, today, I wish it was Sega vs Nintendo, all over again.

Or DC vs PS2...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Riku
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« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2002, 01:32:17 PM »
Playstation2:  IMO, it\'s average.  Then again I can\'t find more than 4 games worth owning at the moment.  The graphics are good and it has a handful of games that define the system.  It has the biggest and most diverse lineup so it\'s easy to see why it\'s so popular.

Xbox: So much potential...the graphics are outstanding on some games.  The controller is okay; but the new one is coming out this month (problem fixed).  It has some huge titles on the way that will make or break the system (Project Ego, Unreal Championship, Brute Force, etc.).  I\'m looking forward to its\' future...

Gamecube:  I don\'t have one and haven\'t played one for more than 10 minutes.  It looks to be a promising console when the big games are released later this year.  

DC:  Even though it\'s back in its\' box under my bed, it was still the best little system that couldn\'t...:(
O rly?

Offline Damien8086
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« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2002, 02:39:46 PM »
Does anyone else notice that nearly everyone who dumps on Gamecube and/or XBox either do not own either system and/or havent played them for more then an hour?

Here is my take....

PS2 - I have had this system for a little over a year. It has impressed me a lot with titles such as GT3 and GTA3. It has the biggest game selection, but how many of those games are really worth paying $50 for? Not many in my opinion.

XBox - I have had this system for about a month. I only own two games for it. Halo, which was an absolutely awesome and  beautiful game. And 4x4 Evo which was pretty awful. Not many games out yet that I have interest in, but it\'s online plans sound good to me and I am looking forward to what they have coming.

Gamecube - I have had this system for just over a month also. I only have one game for it - Luigi\'s Mansion. I think this game is very underrated. It doesnt have much replay value, but how many platformers do? I spent a lot of time playing it and thought it was really a great game. I think the Gamecube has the best immediate outlook for the remainder of this year. Personally I am looking forward to Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Racing, Mario Party 4, and Mario Sunshine.

All in all I think the XBox and Gamecube\'s best are yet to come. I think the PS2\'s best has already come and gone(GTA3, GT3, MGS2).

This time next year I expect a lot more people will be praising these two underdog systems.

Offline Blade
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« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2002, 02:49:41 PM »
SonyFan\'s view is pretty much the same as mine.

Damien: You can\'t jump in Luigi\'s Mansion, thus it\'s not a platformer.
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

Offline Damien8086
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« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2002, 02:52:21 PM »
Originally posted by Blade
SonyFan\'s view is pretty much the same as mine.

Damien: You can\'t jump in Luigi\'s Mansion, thus it\'s not a platformer.

Then what kind of game is Luigi\'s Mansion? I didnt know that jumping was a requirement for a game to be considered a platformer.

In any case I dont see whats so bad about it to warrant the ratings that it got.

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« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2002, 04:44:47 PM »
Mario 64 is a platformer, Jak and Daxter is a platformer.. Sonic Adventure is a platformer.

A platformer is a sub-genre of adventure, in which lots of jumping is typically required. Usually platforms play a huge part (moreso in 1980\'s games) so they call them "platformers".

Luigi\'s Mansion is adventure, but it\'s not a platformer.
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

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« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2002, 05:04:31 PM »
yeah, its resident evil for todlers
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