NOA\'s Peter Main has said that they\'re not in direct competition with Sony and MS.. true.
Nintendo isn\'t putting out GT3 and SSX clones to take down Sony like Microsoft is. Over Christmas time, MS and Sony were fighting for the same market.. while Nintendo pushed out games like Pikmin and SSBM that don\'t have a "PS2 counterpart".

As for the younger demographic:
Yes, it\'s a known fact that Nintendo has always been about the family; younger gamers being the lowest common denominator of a family; Nintendo has a good grip on the child\'s market. Although, Nintendo has never
targetted the child gamer. Back in the 1980\'s.. when Nintendo was Nintendo (no obligations to "keep it clean" for parents) they made the same type of games they do today. If you tell Shigeru Miyamoto that he has the right to make a game that\'s twice as risque and violent as GTA3 (which he does have the right to, on GameCube) he\'ll turn it down and EAD will continue to produce the same "kiddy" software as always. It\'s simply their style, not the choice of higher-ups or ratings boards. Nintendo makes light-hearted games, and that\'s that. They like to do it! As for Pokemon, that\'s not even a Nintendo concept.. Game Freak is a 2nd-party.
You have a few exceptions, like some of the stuff coming from Intelligent Systems and R&D1, (Metroid) but other than those games.. everything from Nintendo consoles has a whimsical, light-hearted feel. On the 1st-party side anyways.. they have 2nd-parties for the "mature" stuff.

Funny thing is, I never see kids at the mall playing GameCube. It\'s always
PS2 PS2 PS2. My brother comes home from school.. starts talking about the gaming buzz among his middle school colleagues.. "
PS2 PS2 PS2". (except for the one nerdy kid that has all 3 consoles) Last Christmas, my young cousin asked for his first console: "
PS2". I\'m telling ya, most every console has a huge following of kids.. and at this point in time, I think the ratio of teens/adults to kids playing GameCube is greater than the PS2\'s. Most kids aren\'t early adopters of new consoles.. they always seem to get the older one. Even myself! NES was out, I got the Atari. SNES was out, I got the Genesis. In the end, I had all 4 though.

Nintendo has a "kiddy" image, true. Well, that\'s all it is.. an image. I\'m not a Nintendo fanboy, I just read enough about them (try the book
Game Over by David Scheff) to know how they feel about certain things. There have been times in the past where they changed things to suit a family audience (MK1 on SNES) but that was pre-ESRB. Things are different now.. Nintendo is publishing games like Perfect Dark and Eternal Darkness. Nintendo\'s targetting the whole family.. not just kids, not just adults.
That is the Nintendo difference.
Now then.. feel free to tear apart my post and say that Nintendo is targetting kids again..