Once upon a time, PS2XCentral "Console Debating" was a place to come for educated debates, without flaming and rampant fanboy\'ism. It was also a place where people who was multi-console owners would come and debate the pro\'s and con\'s of each system. It was
not a place where each thread was wishing for a certain console to fail or arguin\' if company A) was too kiddie (Yes, I know my analogy wasn\'t too vague.
). What happened? For the last couple months we have been on a decline in quality debates and quality posts and people who once was considered quality posters have either been infected with this nasty fanboy "virus" or have slowed down in posting just to avoid what is going on.
I also remember a time when someone could come here and prefer one console over another and not have to worry about being bashed. Sadly, those days seem to be gone. Or when debating we would post links to facts that are brought up, instead of just assuming someone should believe us and when they don\'t, trashing them.
I am not pointing fingers at anyone as I am in no place to do so , but even Ryu has taken notice of what is going on as indicated by his "Zero Tolerance" thread. This is just my plea, if you want to call it that, for us to clean the forums up. I\'m goin\' to post alittle list of basic Console Debating rules / respect, none of these are new and older members should remember them being posted about a year ago, maybe if we follow them like we once use to, we can clean this forum up before it joins the ranks of IGN (and it isn\'t far from it).
- Post links! If you have a fact, don\'t hope for someone to believe you just because you say it is true. If you post a link along with your fact, then it can save a lot of trouble and needless bashing / arguing in a thread.
- Swearing, personal insults and anything else along those lines are not needed. We are here to debate consoles, not debate each other. Remember, this forum is all in fun and for our love of gaming. It is not here to take cheap shots at someone you don\'t even really know. Also, the personal insults and swearing does run off potenial members and makes us , as a internet communnity look terrible. Does anyone remember when newbies would come here because it was laid back and they was allowed a opinion, even if it wasn\'t PRO-PS2? We need to get back to those days.
- All consoles are not created equal, this is why we debate them. However, a new console means a new toy for our hobby. How can this be a bad thing? We are gamers, or at least we are suppose to be. Maybe I am under the wrong impression, or maybe I am living in a dream world, but if we are gamers then we should be excited about the potenial of another console. If you don\'t like a certain console for whatever reason, that is fine. However, do you really need to chime in every thread and remind the rest of the forum? It doesn\'t accomplish anything.
- There will always be trolls, try not to feed them. When we have trolls, our best bet as a forum is to simply ignore their presence and they will go away. Getting into heated arguements does nothing but ruin perfectly decent threads.
- Finally, remember it is all in fun. Console debating may be the most serious part of PS2XCentral, but it is still all in fun. We are gamers , this is our hobby and it is perfectly healthy to want to debate about certain things in the industry that we care so much about. It is not healthy to get so upset about a piece of plastic that you need to come on a forum and pick fights . It\'s all in fun guys, take it light.
In the end, I\'ve been here over a year now and enjoyed this forum quite abit, like others , however though this downward decline is somewhat disturbing. Ryu has taken notice of it and I agree with him a hundred percent (for whatever that is worth) on his zero tolerance policy , but I also believe that we still are one of the best PS2 forums, hell
gaming forums on the \'net, we just got off-track and lost what made us so good at one point. Let\'s clean it up guys and bring in some new people and maybe get some of our older members back.
(Is it possible for Ryu or someone to make this a sticky? If not, I understand. Thanks.)