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Author Topic: Once upon a time...  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Once upon a time...
« on: April 04, 2002, 02:27:37 AM »
Once upon a time, PS2XCentral "Console Debating" was a place to come for educated debates,  without flaming and rampant fanboy\'ism. It was also a place where people who was multi-console owners would come and debate the pro\'s and con\'s of each system. It was not a place where each thread was wishing for a certain console to fail or arguin\' if company A) was too kiddie (Yes, I know my analogy wasn\'t too vague. ;) ). What happened? For the last couple months we have been on a decline in quality debates and quality posts and people who once was considered quality posters have either been infected with this nasty fanboy "virus" or have slowed down in posting just to avoid what is going on.

I also remember a time when someone could come here and prefer one console over another and not have to worry about being bashed. Sadly, those days seem to be gone. Or when debating we would post links to facts that are brought up, instead of just assuming someone should believe us and when they don\'t, trashing them.

I am not pointing fingers at anyone as I am in no place to do so  , but even Ryu has taken notice of what is going on as indicated by his "Zero Tolerance" thread. This is just my plea, if you want to call it that, for us to clean the forums up. I\'m goin\' to post alittle list of basic Console Debating rules / respect, none of these are new and older members should remember them being posted about a year ago, maybe if we follow them like we once use to, we can clean this forum up before it joins the ranks of IGN (and it isn\'t far from it).

  • Post links! If you have a fact, don\'t hope for someone to believe you just because you say it is true. If you post a link along with your fact, then it can save a lot of trouble and needless bashing / arguing in a thread.
  • Swearing, personal insults and anything else along those lines are not needed. We are here to debate consoles, not debate each other. Remember, this forum is all in fun and for our love of gaming. It is not here to take cheap shots at someone you don\'t even really know. Also, the personal insults and swearing does run off potenial members and makes us , as a internet communnity look terrible. Does anyone remember when newbies would come here because it was laid back and they was allowed a opinion, even if it wasn\'t PRO-PS2? We need to get back to those days.
  • All consoles are not created equal, this is why we debate them. However, a new console means a new toy for our hobby. How can this be a bad thing? We are gamers, or at least we are suppose to be. Maybe I am under the wrong impression, or maybe I am living in a dream world, but if we are gamers then we should be excited about the potenial of another console. If you don\'t like a certain console for whatever reason, that is fine. However, do you really need to chime in every thread and remind the rest of the forum? It doesn\'t accomplish anything.

  • There will always be trolls, try not to feed them. When we have trolls, our best bet as a forum is to simply ignore their presence and they will go away. Getting into heated arguements does nothing but ruin perfectly decent threads.
  • Finally, remember it is all in fun. Console debating may be the most serious part of PS2XCentral, but it is still all in fun. We are gamers , this is our hobby and it is perfectly healthy to want to debate about certain things in the industry that we care so much about. It is not healthy to get so upset about a piece of plastic that you need to come on a forum and pick fights . It\'s all in fun guys, take it light.

In the end, I\'ve been here over a year now and enjoyed this forum quite abit, like others , however though this downward decline is somewhat disturbing. Ryu has taken notice of it and I agree with him a hundred percent (for whatever that is worth) on his zero tolerance policy , but I also believe that we still are one of the best PS2 forums, hell gaming forums on the \'net, we just got off-track and lost what made us so good at one point. Let\'s clean it up guys and bring in some new people and maybe get some of our older members back.

(Is it possible for Ryu or someone to make this a sticky? If not, I understand. Thanks.)

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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2002, 02:31:26 AM »
Stuck.  I\'m glad someone sees what I have been missing from these forums.  I must admit though, there are a few others who do share our plight...

[Edit] - I also changed the topic title.  People will take notice of it moreso if we see these as guidelines and call them as such moreso then a rather obscure title. :)  Hope you don\'t mind, but this thread deserves attention.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2002, 02:33:47 AM by Ryu »
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Offline RichG
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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2002, 03:30:36 AM »
I see what you mean. I agree and have never broke any of these rules in the first place. Aren\'t I great. :D

Anyway im not sure I agree with so called zero tolerance *cough* throwing the power around *cough* but i\'ve already made a thread about that before I seen this one.

Like you lot though I want a better console debating forum. :)

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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2002, 05:04:46 AM »
This thread seems vaguely familiar; I just can\'t put my finger on it...  :) :)
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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2002, 08:20:40 AM »
Anyway im not sure I agree with so called zero tolerance *cough* throwing the power around *cough* but i\'ve already made a thread about that before I seen this one.

You think that\'s what Zero Tolerance is all about?  Just how often DO you visit console debate anyways?  You think I enjoy having to read EVERY single post and weed out any extremeties or BS with a fine toothed comb?  I mean, if this place was civil and self sustaining, there would be no use for me, or any other mod on this forum or any forum for that matter and sometimes, we just let the locales get far too restless and I\'m sick and tired of all the BS spewing going on here.

Waitasec... Why am I explaining myself to you?  You are one of the people who barely post on this forum nowadays.  You used to be a regular, but like many of the other regulars, you\'ve stopped and quietted down... I wonder why that is?
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« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2002, 11:22:08 AM »
I agree with you guys, this place has been looking like TXB for the last few days

and please quit posting those sales charts, since they are only intended to show how bad another console is doing, it gets lame quickly
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Offline TheOgodlyThlng
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« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2002, 11:30:50 AM »
Once upon a time, PS2XCentral "Console Debating" was a place to come for educated debates, without flaming and rampant "fanboy\'ism"

LOL!! yeah keep telling yourself, It may not have been as bad as it has progressed now, but all those traits were still present.

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« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2002, 11:37:56 AM »
weren\'t you banned?
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Do you believe in a god that tells you lies?
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Offline jm
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« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2002, 01:22:17 PM »
I agree on pretty much everything, but there is something that will always remain.  This is the only forum on the board that is more prone to problems than everything else, because this is the place where debates take place. View points are expressed, opinions and such. We are always gonna have disagreements and objections to certain things and indeed there will be ignorance here and there. But as admins and mods, we\'ll do our best to sift through the clutter of this forum, but please do be aware, this forum will always be prone to the most ignorance.
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« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2002, 01:50:49 PM »
I think TheOgodlyThlng feels he needs to fill the troll void now that our forums are starting to get good again.
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« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2002, 02:28:52 PM »
I want to go on the record of saying that I am guilty of  flamming others after they made fun of me. But those days are over; I agree wholeheartedly with whats been said, and will try harder to "stay within the walls of professionalism", so to speak. As far as Ryu going power mad goes, I don\'t believe that at all. I\'m just glad to see there is a mature moderator out there doing his job.:D
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« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2002, 04:09:46 PM »
No, anyone in the right mind wouldn\'t dare put the sticker "power hungry" on any mod or admin. Ryu simply is just taking authority in a respectable fashion.

It should appear clear as mud to the trolls around here.
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« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2002, 07:53:39 PM »
I agree that the recent decline in the forums had me really worried. With the endless X-box bashing that was going on and the seeming encouragment this behavior was getting from mods I was starting to believe that we were headed for a meltdown into the IGN category. Every single thread that was in anyway X-box related was immediately followed by a string of at least 10 really bad jokes about Bill Gates\' penis and how the X-box was going to flop.

Although it might seem a little extreme at first to some, and at the same time not harsh enough to others I think Ryu\'s approach is probably the best way of handling things. Some people like Ashford and Rich G have suggested that the problem should be dealt with at its root; by banning all of the members who exaggerate with their bashing tendencies. But like it or not a great deal of the problem is actually caused by Psx2central regulars *gasp*. I think these people (won\'t name anyone) just need a little bit of a guiding hand (or a bash with a sledge hammer) to help them get back on the right track.

Anyway I\'m glad I\'m not the only one that noticed the recent decline in the quality of console debating, because at times it seemed like everyone was in on the \'other\' console bashing party. As rarely as I post on these forums I have been around for quite a while, and reading the latest reactions to industry events as posted by fellow gamers is something I always look forward to, as long as they are stated in a reasonable fashion.

I applaud Ryu for taking decisive action on the matter and I hope other moderators will follow suit and try to set an example.
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Re: Once upon a time...
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2002, 08:32:40 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I also remember a time when someone could come here and prefer one console over another and not have to worry about being bashed.

That\'s true.  In fact, I\'d like to offer my respect to all those who\'ve kept from flaming me despite my perverse, unabashed loyalty to Nintendo. :)

Seriously, I can\'t remember ever really being goaded into a flame war or some such thing, and if that kind of privilege can be extended to everyone once again, then what are we waiting for?

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« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2002, 09:09:45 PM »
|  queer :nut:
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