Chrono, I always knew you as a sensible guy, so what\'s up with all this senseless bashing of XBox?
Panzer Dragoon RPG sold pretty well for being on Saturn in Japan, the other two in the series racked up a half a million each. In America, the first two did as well as they could.
XBox has great games coming, no doubt about it. People always say "Take away Halo and what do you got?"
What about GC with SSBM (blech.)
or PS2 and GTA3 (and recently VF4, yay!)? not much. (IMO)
the big titles for this year I can see will be:
Dino Crisis 3, Panzer Dragoon O, Crazy Taxi 3, Shenmue II, Project Ego, Morrowind, Sega GT 2002, MoH AA, PSO (if it makes it out this year), and Soul Calibur 2.
I will be willing to bet that SC2 does better on XBox than it will on GC, but not PS2. People who believe MS and it\'s third parties have thrown out all they have got in the first 4 months of the year are ridiculous. There is plenty coming, along with the new controller for the whiners (or wieners
) like mm.
Eric Jacob