It\'s good that MS will get hurt finally. They\'ve used a lot of unfair tactics against other software makers and it would be good to see the sofware bully get hurt. So it\'s a GOOD THANG! - GmanJoe
No, a good thing would be if people woke up and realized what kinda piece of sh*t OS\'s Microsoft bleeds the public of their money with and realizes what good, robust, and stable software really is. That\'s not going to happen.. just look at how many people still use AOL. :evil:
Trashing the Xbox to hurt MS is going to do nothing but create less diversity in the console market.. expecially with Sega no longer in the game as a hardware manufacturer. So it\'s not your taste.. so you can\'t find a single game on the Xbox that you like.. FINE.. I can\'t find a single game on the thing that\'s makes me want to part with 300 bucks for. There\'s alotta people who say the same about the PS2 tho.
Christ dood, a few jabs in the ribs over low overseas sales and less than stellar lineup are one thing, but this is downright bullsh*t IMO. I don\'t mean to be harsh or anything, and I definately ain\'t "On MS\'s side".. but I don\'t want to see the games industry dominated by ANY one company. If the NGC dosen\'t take off pretty fookin quickly, that seems to be the way things are goin.
Competition = Good, and I can\'t see where some of you don\'t see this?!?