you know what else is remarkable mm
sit down and actually learn the moves of the game (or any fighting game for that matter) and you will easily wipe the floor with a person who is button mashing
fighting games are made for multiplayer, not just playing against an AI opponent.. just because you
might be able to button mash and finish the game, doesnt mean you will beat a human opponant
BizioEE, your being a complete *****
personally i think Virtua Fighter 4 looks great, and can even compare to DoA3 in many aspects, im also waiting to see how great Tekken 4 and Soul Calibur 2 look running on a TV
also, you are talking out of you ass on many things as far as software performance is concerned.. EE is very powerful, but these effects done in software take a
major hit? please.. we just keep seeing game after game implementing these new features that were previously thought impossible
"AA cant be done on PS2"
*Volition create the first AA code for PS2*
"Lorne Lanning says AA cant be done on PS2 without a major hit"
*AA code is released that takes virtually no hit and many games start implementing it*
thats just an example, and there are many others that were previously thought impossible, then thought to take a major hit, then come out and soon many games are doing it (look at what Fasty listed for Soul Calibur)
and also listen to seven.. if the hits on PS2 are so major, and the built in hardware support is so minor.. how come PS2 is doing thesethings and XBox isnt? because the launch games were done on incomplete hardware? :rolleyes:
PS2 isnt as inadequate as you think
The artstyle in VF4 practicly rapes DoA3.
Greatest. Quote. Ever.