Victims Of The Sam (or VOTS)
it a charity established to provide relef to members who have been "harrasted" by the wise one himself "samwise"
our group offers both support and protection form this "great" Dane,and his ever increasing bid to aquire yet more porn.
at the moment there are 2 members (myself and noone) but we are looking for more people to join our cause to fight the good fight.
we give this open invite to any who have been the focus of this wayward Moderator and members of the spaminators are most welcome.
All we ask is Understanding and a little of your time to support VOTS related threads through out off topic !
oh and to have
"i am a proud member of Victims Of The Sam!"
in your signature
please join...
won\'t someone think of the ooseven\'s and no-ones of this world

co-founder of VOTS