OK, listen up, because it is the only time I may say this:
One topic will not make me leave. In fact, the topic at hand doesn\'t really bother me. It is just that some kid comes in here looking for acceptance and everyone treats him like dog ****. His opinions may have been a litle superficious, but they were honest and they were his. We should treat new people with respect, not shit all over them because we have self-esteem problems.
Everything that kid said was true, but guess what, our resident fanboys decide that instead of DEBATING, they will merely shit all over him.
The only reason I come to this board is for debates, when I try and start some up or participate, people start jumping at eachothers throats. I say, everything that doesn\'t have anything to do with Console Debating (and not BASHING, mind you) should be moved to off-topic, or better yet, deleted.
I may leave or I may not leave. Perhaps SonyFan is right. All of us old members with any reasonable traces of intelligence should make topics and debate them.
ooseven, Bob\'s Hardware, etc. Stop spamming. It really is NOT helping anything. Every topic I see has to include some stupid garbage of yours in it. GManJoe, Chrono, mm, etc. stop the stupid bashing of stuff you don\'t like. Like the mindless spamming, it got old...fast. mm, we get that you think XBox is overpriced and a piece of crap. Chrono, we get your intense hatred for XBox. GManJoe, we are sorry about your obvious lack of anything that adds to this forum.
I will give it one week where I will put effort in making this board the way it was. The good ole days with EThugg, Gohan, Lavan, SonyFan, Jumpman, Clip, pre-disguntled Chrono, Ironfist, OnlineRat, Soul Reaver, etc. If this my topics go to shit, then that\'s too bad. I will have given it my best effort.