It really is funny how idiotic these arguments are, Xbox has been out 7 months and you act like it should have the same userbase as PS2. I guess a year and a half ago the developers only should have developed games for DC because it had a larger userbase compared to PS2.
You\'re forgeting one important thing here: Xbox
IS NOT selling well. If they had sales that at least would be outselling PS2 at a decent rate, then developers would have no reason to rethink their strageties. The way Xbox is being outsold, and at the rate it\'s still being outsold in Japan
after the price drop, doesn\'t make the future look to bright and justifies why developers are bringing their games onto the more successful console(s).
7 Months.. yes.. how many did they sell? And now, see how many PS2 sold in that same time. LOL.
Where does it say the Xbox exclusives aren\'t exclusive anymore? Plus that is from before the price cut, I doubt they\'d have the same thing to say now. Xbox is already getting about every EA game plus the exclusives like Battlefied 1942 and Buffy.
I don\'t know of any exclusives for Xbox from EA in the first place, but EA is supporting PS2 more and the chance that you\'ll see those unanounced games on XBox in the future is little at the rate its selling. EA did shuffle back their release dates on their XBox games... does that ring any bells? hello? That tells me pretty clear that the priority on XBox games went even more down.
Because MS didn\'t want to fork over the dough to make it exclusive. I still don\'t see these exclusives they are losing like there is no tomorrow. Two games that were never branded exclusive in the first place isn\'t much.
Well an important game at that. If Xbox sales would have been better (and I mean really better), then Malice probably wouldn\'t have come out on PS2 at all. Remember, supporting more than one console is quite expensive and since sales our down, it\'s quite logical that they are putting it on another plaform which insures better sales.
Typical fanyboy statement, but it\'s usually Halo is the only game worth getting. I guess you haven\'t played PGR, Munch, Amped, Rallisport Challenge, JSRF, Bloodwake, GunValkyrie, or UFC: Tapout. All of them are very good and are "Only on Xbox", but I guess that right there probably makes them bad to you, right? Then there are the crossplatform games that are better on Xbox, but again they aren\'t worth buying just because they are on Xbox.
You\'re missing his point. By the sales numbers, Halo and DOA3 are the more succesful titles. By judging the sales, quite a lot of people probably feel the same about those games. If you think those other games are just as good - well good for you, but just because one person thinks their great doesn\'t mean they will sell heaps.