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Author Topic: gamecube euro launch = success  (Read 2064 times)

Offline mm
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2002, 05:23:57 PM »
starting to show up?  fanta has been around for MANY years, its just hitting a resurge now

man, i feel so old
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Offline cloud345
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2002, 05:31:26 PM »
DXB:Nah, mm is just acting like his regular fanboy self.

   Sigh........there was once a person who I had to explain what a fanboy was forget who but im to lazy to find the thread so I\'ll sum up what I said.

         Fanboy- Favors "ONE" system or object.

          MM- Likes many systems, but dislikes the x-box or just choses to bash it.

   Now the question is, is MM a fanboy or does he just dislike the X-Box?

      He just dislikes or choses to bash the box. Fanboy is a very hurtfal word I mean its very rarely used. Call people like DXB, Jumpman or whatever that other old X-box fanboy there was and I wont care. Also if you called NYYPZ a fanboy in the past I wouldnt mind but now hes changed. They all favored one system and constantly bashed other systems for no reason. Now MM and other members here accually have a reason to bash the other systems. Nor do they say one system is the best in every catagory.

   Jumpman- Nintendo Fanboy
   DXB-MS fanboy
   That other guy who I forget his name-MS Fanboy
    NYYPZ-Former MS fanboy

    MM+ other people on site- NON-FANBOYS

     There now remember that before you call someone a fanboy.
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2002, 05:33:57 PM »
yeah get is right!

im a sega wh0re!
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2002, 05:59:06 PM »
Originally posted by cloud345
MM+ other people on site- NON-FANBOYS
I haven\'t made it clear enough that I\'m a nintendo fan boy yet?  Well...I\'ll just have to change that. :)

Offline Bozco
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2002, 06:17:05 PM »
Originally posted by cloud345

  Jumpman- Nintendo Fanboy

Hey now, theres a reformed Jumpman at Teamxbox.  He still is a nintendo fan but he\'s an intelligent poster now.  I\'m pretty cool with him.  I wish I could say the same thing about him when he was here.

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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2002, 12:17:29 AM »
Is it so hard for some of you not to bash consoles? I mean you can mention Nintendo\'s success without even bringing up MS.
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Offline ooseven
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2002, 01:05:41 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
Is it so hard for some of you not to bash consoles? I mean you can mention Nintendo\'s success without even bringing up MS.

we cant help it.. maybe its got something to do with the fact that Nintendo\'s and Sony\'s Success is M$$$$$\'s Failure.
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Offline Ace
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2002, 01:26:01 AM »
I really believe that some of of you do not even know why you dislike MS. It\'s kind of strange, but fascinating all at the same time.  Oh ya, it\'s weird too. :)


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Offline ooseven
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2002, 01:33:23 AM »
Originally posted by Ace
I really believe that some of of you do not even know why you dislike MS. It\'s kind of strange, but fascinating all at the same time.  Oh ya, it\'s weird too. :)


i find it strange that M$ created the X box among other things on the basis to tap into the X factor of gaming

yup i remember seeing a whole programme based on the X box and they said that along with doing it get a share of the market and to protect there PC Gaming side of things.

they wanted to tap into this X factor that determines whether or not a game is bought and loved by the public and aim for ..what to you here this Generation Xers hence the name.


hmmmm just a pity they never really got round to achieving this, gaming Satisfaction ?


so I have 2 reasons for hating the X box

1 I can’t stand or trust M$ ( after many years of both gaming and working disapointments)

2. I hate generation Xers (we need another Vietnam to thin there ranks out a little)
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« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2002, 03:20:53 AM »

As for number one, I just don\'t follow the whole MS saga. I work in a business where I use a computer ninety percent of the time. I use MS products and have had my share of screaming at the computer from time to time. I don\'t sit around cursing Bill Gates though.

As for number two, I really don\'t have a problem with that point of view. :laughing:


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« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2002, 04:52:43 AM »
yup i remember seeing a whole programme based on the X box and they said that along with doing it get a share of the market and to protect there PC Gaming side of things. - ooseven

Eh.. I really don\'t think that\'s why MS entered the gaming arena. I think they saw a medium which was making billions of dollars that they didn\'t have their tendrils wrapped around, and they wanted a piece of the action. I also think a large part of it had to do with the internet. See, Sony has been working on VRML technology for YEARS.. they pretty much pioneered it back in the early days. But that kinda websurfing just wasn\'t feasable over 56k analog modems. I think that with the PS2 they had finally found a medium which would allow them to expand on their VRML projects.. and create a reveloution on the internet. This is why you were hearing alot about Sony having "BIG" secret plans for online, the PS2 being a reveloutionary device, and their focus on broadband only connections. Unfortunately, the Broadband market didn\'t grow like they had hoped and they eventually had to pull out of those plans and complete restructure their online strategy. Which is why it\'s taken so long for them to get their console online.

It would also explain Sony\'s strategic partnerships with companies who have a heavy bias/dislike against Microsoft.. such as AOL, Linux, and Netscape. Not so much for their general online plans, but to thumb their noses at MS.. which Sony is somewhat famous for. (I.E. The "X" in PSX was to spite Nintnedo)

Now, the Xbox comes along with Broadband connectivity ONLY.. which in effect cuts out 80% of their potential market. Sounds like a dumb move huh? Harddrive included.. Gimmic? Ripping CD\'s isn\'t too important of a feature... and there are other ways of reducing load-times. Yet it WOULD be a GREAT help in storing VRML pages. Right from the get-go, MS denyied that Xbox would be used for websurfing. Hence, no KB & Mouse. They\'re right in the traditional sence.. but a KB & Mouse aren\'t nearly as necessary when viewing VRML as it is with HTML. And you aren\'t really surfing.. but more like exploring. Also throw in a healthy dose of Spin doctoring rhetoric to keep the "Xbox = Cheap PC" mindset to a minimum.

Sounds kinda far fetched? There was a thread about this about 2 months back talking about how MS was going to reveloutionize the Internet with their Xbox by introducing VRML when it goes online. I can look up the link if any of you want. They\'re taking advantage of Sony\'s weakness by holding off on VRML. Even if the Xbox dosen\'t take off really well and their VRML userbase is small.. they\'ll still get credit and Sony will get blamed for being non-innovative and "Ripping off" someone else\'s idea. If the Xbox had been a success like Microsoft hoped it would (and still might.. maybe) then the idea would work beautifully. Right now.. it may still work.. but their goal and victory will be a small one.

Xbox is nothing but MS grabbing a piece of some sweet - sweet pie.. and protecting their online empire. Least we get some decent games from the machine out of all this mess. :D
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2002, 05:37:09 AM »
mm bashes ALL consoles when he gets the chance ;)
Do you believe in a god that statisfies
Do you believe in a god that opens eyes?
Do you believe in a god that tells you lies?
Or do you believe in me??

Offline mm
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« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2002, 05:45:24 AM »
all except my beloved dreamcast

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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2002, 05:45:49 AM »
Originally posted by SonyFan

Eh.. I really don\'t think that\'s why MS entered the gaming arena. I think they saw a medium which was making billions of dollars that they didn\'t have their tendrils wrapped around, and they wanted a piece of the action. I also think a large part of it had to do with the internet. See, Sony has been working on VRML technology for YEARS.. they pretty much pioneered it back in the early days. But that kinda websurfing just wasn\'t feasable over 56k analog modems. I think that with the PS2 they had finally found a medium which would allow them to expand on their VRML projects.. and create a reveloution on the internet. This is why you were hearing alot about Sony having "BIG" secret plans for online, the PS2 being a reveloutionary device, and their focus on broadband only connections. Unfortunately, the Broadband market didn\'t grow like they had hoped and they eventually had to pull out of those plans and complete restructure their online strategy. Which is why it\'s taken so long for them to get their console online.

It would also explain Sony\'s strategic partnerships with companies who have a heavy bias/dislike against Microsoft.. such as AOL, Linux, and Netscape. Not so much for their general online plans, but to thumb their noses at MS.. which Sony is somewhat famous for. (I.E. The "X" in PSX was to spite Nintnedo)

Now, the Xbox comes along with Broadband connectivity ONLY.. which in effect cuts out 80% of their potential market. Sounds like a dumb move huh? Harddrive included.. Gimmic? Ripping CD\'s isn\'t too important of a feature... and there are other ways of reducing load-times. Yet it WOULD be a GREAT help in storing VRML pages. Right from the get-go, MS denyied that Xbox would be used for websurfing. Hence, no KB & Mouse. They\'re right in the traditional sence.. but a KB & Mouse aren\'t nearly as necessary when viewing VRML as it is with HTML. And you aren\'t really surfing.. but more like exploring. Also throw in a healthy dose of Spin doctoring rhetoric to keep the "Xbox = Cheap PC" mindset to a minimum.

Sounds kinda far fetched? There was a thread about this about 2 months back talking about how MS was going to reveloutionize the Internet with their Xbox by introducing VRML when it goes online. I can look up the link if any of you want. They\'re taking advantage of Sony\'s weakness by holding off on VRML. Even if the Xbox dosen\'t take off really well and their VRML userbase is small.. they\'ll still get credit and Sony will get blamed for being non-innovative and "Ripping off" someone else\'s idea. If the Xbox had been a success like Microsoft hoped it would (and still might.. maybe) then the idea would work beautifully. Right now.. it may still work.. but their goal and victory will be a small one.

Xbox is nothing but MS grabbing a piece of some sweet - sweet pie.. and protecting their online empire. Least we get some decent games from the machine out of all this mess. :D

yeah SonyFan, its funny i actually remembered all those posts you made about the VRML and Microsofts real reason for entering the market etc. etc. just the other day, and just YESTERAY i was actually looking at the threads you were speaking of, its all very interesting indeed  :)

the thread to end all VRML threads..


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gamecube euro launch = success
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2002, 09:10:57 AM »
Originally posted by mm
yeah get is right!

im a sega wh0re!

July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.


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