I agree with Sonyfan on this one. Project Ego looks great on paper, I mean, the idea of being able to do anything is truly the roots of an RPG world, but for me, the story in an RPG goes hand in hand with character development. I won\'t to be able to control my character and influence their development, but what\'s the point if there is no point in doing so? Be anything, do anything... Why? What\'s your motiviation? I can be a bum and do nothing, but if I actually want to beat the game, I do need to become something that can influence that correct? So why leave the option open to do nothing? It\'s just pointless.
As for the rest of the game (and the trailer from gamespot), the game looks great, but what about the gameplay? So far, we have established that the game doesn\'t have all that interesting of a story, great graphics, and has shown us absolutely no gameplay aspects whatsoever. Does anyone else wonder why? I know I do. Why do I want to wait for a game when the impressions that I get from PM is that I can do anything and be anything, but I also don\'t have to? Sounds awfully fishy to me. Oh well, back to waiting for Splinter Cell, the game that actually looks like fun.