Originally posted by mm
you know what the best thing out of all of this is
the PS2 is three years old
the xbox is 7 months old
think about it
dont say anything
just think about it
(not to sure which way you are looking at that bit of text, but you are usally bashing the xbox lol, so i will look at it that way)
Yep i thought about what you are saying, and yes it is bad, that the developers still haven\'t found away to get good textures out of the PS2 while the Xbox doesn\'t seem to have any sort of problems in the graphics department, and i couldn\'t give a crap if people say it is just a PC, I LOVE NICE GRAPHICS and i don\'t care what they come out of as long as they are good.
I mean look at the GC, Resident Evil is one of the best graphical games i have ever seen the lighting the textures, the player models, and they have got that out of that console and it is what 7-8 months old, that is pretty damn good.
If a console last 5 years then the maker of that console, should look at the long term and what that console could be able to pump out in 4-5 years time, don\'t give people all this crap "yeah but PS2 is 3 years old" stop making excuses for it, i hear enough people saying about people making excuses for poor xbox sales.