Yep i thought about what you are saying, and yes it is bad, that the developers still haven\'t found away to get good textures out of the PS2 while the Xbox doesn\'t seem to have any sort of problems in the graphics department, and i couldn\'t give a crap if people say it is just a PC, I LOVE NICE GRAPHICS and i don\'t care what they come out of as long as they are good.
Ethan, huh, hope you didn\'t mean that, because I could name you flaws from almost
all[(i] Xbox games out at the moment in the graphics devision. Thinking of what Microsoft promised, those games I\'ve seen so far are quite disappointing (although I\'m convinced you\'ll argue that).
you are making a mistake there, shadows ARE what make games look realistic. Go look at some Doom III screenshots
Metal_Gear_Ray, no I didn\'t. I never said shadows don\'t make a game look realistic - I just said that MGS2 might not have had shadows at all time, but all the other effects are some of the best in current games. Disagree?
BTW; I do agree shadows make a game look more realistic, but I doubt there is any game at the moment that has shadows on
every object and even more doubt that ProjectEgo has them based on the current screens.
I really don\'t believe what you said there, there is always way to get more out of a console(which you said), which means that it can\'t be at 80% and the only reason the PS2 is at 50% is because developers haven\'t as of yet been about find ways around the PS2 to open up that untaped power, which isn\'t really much use.
Ethan, I believe Clowd tried to point out that each system has their strengths and in the case of Xbox, it\'s clearly its more straight forward architecture design which lets developers do lots of great things with little effort. Since it\'s basically a PC architecture, Xbox has the advantage to be tapped fairly easy. It\'s no dumb estimate to say that Xbox is being pushed way more than PS2 at the moment.
And 80% (efficiancy) might be more accurate than you think. But how good you make a game look using [insert number]% of power is still up to talent of the developers.
BTW, That pic that fastson posted has a lot less geometry going on than some of those Project Ego shots. It (It? Which game?) may look like there are a lot of polygonal things going on; but it is really some extensive bump-mapping. Similar to what was seen in the Deathstar trenches on Rogue Leader. If not, that is very impressive.
Gohan, what do you mean? That Rachet and Clank
does not have more geometry or that it
does? It seems you are first refering to Rachet and Clank not having a lot of geometry, but than you start talking about how little geometry the Project Ego screens seem to use and that it\'s all done via extensive bump-mapping.