It really amazes me that so many people can judge a game so quickly by a few screenshots. The way you can dismiss this as just another kiddie game amazes me.
This is Zelda we are talking about, one of the most fun and sucessful videogame series we\'ve ever seen. Did you not enjoy the ones for NES, SNES, and gameboy? Well, in those games, graphics weren\'t an issue. I honestly think that was a better time in gaming, because graphical limitations caused people to focus more on gameplay. A game can look amazing, but if it doesn\'t have good gameplay backing it up, it\'s worthless, and a waste. However, a game with bad graphics and great gameplay can be, and probably would be a great game.
And that\'s assuming the game has bad graphics. This one doesn\'t. The animation runs so smoothly, and really looks stunning in action. The thing doesn\'t even seem to be that the graphics are bad. It\'s that they are too "kiddie" for you, and you have grown up.
Well, the fact is, that shouldn\'t mean a thing. The gameplay will remain loyal to the original series, which should be what really matters. The game should still not only be fun to play, but should be one of the most fun games to play that Gamecube is producing. If you can\'t get over yourself and enjoy the game, then that\'s probably more of a problem with you than with the game.
And as Gohan said, people who have seen this thing in action are completely amazed by it. Best game in show so far, that says something. Listen to what some of them were saying:
This game looks f*cking amazing. I’d say it was the best looking game I saw at the Show today. I would also say it’s probably the best looking game I’ve ever seen in my entire goddamned life. We all just stood there mesmerized by it, with our mouths wide open. Until you have seen this game running you cannot possibly comprehend how gorgeous it is. It’s like a big “f*ck you” to all the people who b*tched about the cartoon look.
Zelda for GC. I didn\'t say anything when those screenshots came out because I wanted to wait and see. I have very little faith for just about everything, but when it comes to anything Link-related I don\'t bat an eye. All I have to say is Zelda is the only reason I bought a N64, and this Zelda is why I\'m going to buy a GC now. To everyone that said they thought it looked horrible? You\'re dead f*cking wrong. It\'s God Damn FANTASMICAL. Gabe overheard two fire-breathing sh*t-eaters make a snide comment about the graphics. I don\'t know how anyone could be that stupid and stubborn with something like that right in front of them. OH NO WAIT, yes I do, the kind of f*cking idiots that breath fire and eat sh*t. Good God, it\'s an amazing piece of work. Everyone shut up, wait and see. If you don\'t think it\'s groin-grabbingly good, you probably breath fire and eat sh*t. Even though that\'s my opinion PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME RETARDED HATE MAIL "CORRECTING" ME, THX.
I think that the new Zelda is something that needs to be seen to be believed, and needs to be played to be understood. If you have done both and not come away impressed, I think that you need a new hobby. I\'m not kidding. When something this great comes along, and you\'re simply to jaded to appreciate it, there\'s other things you could be doing you might derive more pleasure from.
Listen to them. Don\'t knock the game based on a few screen shots. Try it. Otherwise, it\'s just showing how close minded you are.
In summary, and how\'s this for irony,
people who can\'t get over the "kiddie" look need to grow up