Yea it\'s so sharp - clean - that it really looks impressive. It\'s as smooth as you could imagine.
Samus can roll into a ball at the press of a button and there\'s also a couple weapons (obviously, I guess) but they do different things like the ice beams freeze enemies.
You can charge up your shot or switch to missiles if you want. You go through doors to absolutely zero load time and try to find your way around.
There were a couple rooms with these huge dinosaurs in stasis fields or whatever. Looking really bad ass, and my buddy told me that you could fight one of them. the enemies are pretty quick and nasty looking, btw.
I only played it a little as the booth was closing yesterday, but after a little killing and rolling and exploring, I came to what seemed like a dead end. I did some back tracking to look around and I suppose in that aspect it is an adventure, too.
But mainly its a first-person shooter with glitz like Turok\'s big weapons, but done super clean.
The ball is neat for reaching out of the way places. Not entirely necessary, but I suppose it takes some repetitiveness out of the game.
I\'m still skeptical how great it will be if you\'re not a fps fan, but like I said, I only played it a little.