Originally posted by SonyFan
And umm... what\'s wrong with that? Sure the Dreamcast was short lived.. but it was an excellent system by most gamer\'s standards. I don\'t really think any of the three companies out there now could have done so much with so little as Sega had.. and there\'s still a ton of top-notch games available only for it which people now are fighting and bickering against each other over whenever a certian console is confirmed to have one being ported.
The DC was a pretty damned good system in and of itself. To be compaired to it by any of the three consoles out (Game & Gameplay wise) I would think is an honor.
I have played games on the Dreamcast system. My intent was not to say anything negative about it. All I was saying is that I paid about $1000.00 CDN for my Xbox and games and if I didn\'t trade it I would have probably ended up with a $1000.00 DVD player as the Xbox will more than likely go under. BTW I pick up my PS2 in 3 hours. YESSS
Just look at the Xbox history
-Xbox launches in North America with some defective consoles and poor customer service.
-Games like WWF Raw, Shrek, Wreckless, NBA Inside Drive, and others all look good but are huge disappointments in terms of gameplay.
-Xbox launches in Japan and bombs. Some consoles scratch CD\'s.
-Xbox launches in the UK and sales are poor.
-Seamus Blackley leaves MS. He was there from day one. The reason given is that he started a gaming company with others.
-Xbox lowers the price in Japan and the UK. Just after launch.
-Xbox lowers the price in North America six months after launch.
Through all of this the PS2 continues to outsell the Xbox by a huge margin. MS is spending about one billion $ on online gaming. Question is will people be willing to pay for it and will MS screw this one up too. I don\'t consider this to be Xbox bashing as of of this has happened.