I didn\'t call him an idiot, I said if he believes those numbers are still true even after adding things up for him, then he is an idiot, along with everyone else.
Let me go through with this step by step (for our slower viewers)
1. Nintendo reports they sold 1.2 million at the end of 2001
2. Nintendo reports at the end of March in 2003, they have sold 2.3 million
3. The average sales of the Gamecube console weekly were 30,000 in that time, according the NPD TRST, the industry standard for number tracking.
4. This means, in order for Nintendo to have acheived 2.3 million, they need to sell an extra 60,000 consoles per week, through Walmart and a few other stores that represent only 40% of the nation. (not possible, in other words)
5. Through this simple addition, we can now come to the conclusion that Gamecube has NOT sold 2.3 million consoles. Being the generous man that I am, at 40,000 per week (throwing in a third for Wally word numbers), it would put Gamecube\'s numbers closer to 1,820,000.
Eric Jacob