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Author Topic: Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??  (Read 3078 times)

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2002, 08:29:43 AM »
ok, so what did you learn about these games that you didnt already know?

E3 used to be cool when devs wouldnt let out any info and have some suprises, now its a wh0re for fanatics to rave about

oops!  :)
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2002, 08:59:02 AM »
because you are a PS2 fan and owner, you will see what you want to see. I own both (soon to be all three) and from my perspective, with XBox Live details, Panzer Dragoon Orta (look at my sig), Shenmue II (ditto), Splinter Cell, Blinx, Psychonauts, etc.

Woah hold it there now, are you downrating my credibility now because I own lesser consoles than you?

If you aren\'t excited about these games, then you aren\'t actually looking at them. titles of games alone shouldn\'t have to interest you. Go download some videos of Psychonauts and Blinx and read up on them and tell me they don\'t sound like great concepts (built by great designers). I am a sucker for great Sega games, and XBox showed the best quantity of them.

You see, I never really questioned your credibility. I was just curious to why you think the Xbox show was so much better that\'s all. I guess we have different views then - but I still wouldn\'t go asfar to declare one company as a \'winner\'.

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2002, 10:26:31 AM »
Originally posted by seven

Taking this sentence, you obviously mean that GC and XBox had great shows - well, while PS2 was apperantly left flaunting their arrogance. Tells me pretty clearly that you personally feel that both companies had the better show than Sony.

So, why do you feel that the Xbox showing was so much better?! Looking at the games you\'ve listed further up, I don\'t see what was so special about it really. :confused:

maybe he just doesn\'t like PS2...this thread is going to have bias.  

That and Sony blew their load too early...really, I thought that GC and Xbox were tied.  Although Ratchet and Clank, and Socom did impress...

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2002, 11:02:06 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
titles to look out for if you do indeed get an XBox:

Sega GT 2002
Blinx (made by ex-designer on NiGHTS and Sonic)
Project Ego
Unreal Championship
Splinter Cell
Raven Shield
Halo Online
Project Gotham Online
w00t, go 2004!
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2002, 11:26:10 AM »
LoL, Samwise. Let me just hop in my Suspended animation unit and I\'ll be playing those bad boys in no time. Tho I may take a break and defrost a bit early in 2003 to get in some time with FFXI. ( <--- Still pissed about that)

Anyhow, I found the show pretty lack-luster this year. It just... wasn\'t as exciting as last years. Tru, all the REALLY big surprises concerning the three (four) consoles were already let out of the bag.. but it kept me from keeping 24 hour a day watch on the events. Well.. that and not having Daily Radar around to tell me how hot the booth babes were. : ( So anyhow, I didn\'t really pay too close attention to it. From where I sit tho, Nintnedo stole the show. They showed the most impressive games, and the most games I\'m interested in. As for Xbox... I\'ve decided to buy it last and get my PS2 bought and out of the way.. and then a GameCube come July or August in time for PSO E1 & 2. (PSO Xbox dosen\'t interest me because I don\'t have BB and I don\'t like the voice chat feature.. I have a tendancy to play female characters and I don\'t wanna have my cute lil FOnewearl Mana sounding like some biker dyke) I haven\'t been paying really good attention to it, but the titles which cought my eye are...

Splinter Cell
Panzer Dragoon
Project Ego

And.. well... that\'s about it actually. Not interested in any online titles since (like I said) I don\'t have BB. Shenmue II will be mine on the Dreamcast long before the Xbox version ever nears completion. PSO I\'m gettin for the NGC. MGS2:S I\'m gettin for the PS2. And that pretty much sums it up for me.

Still, if I can find 20 games for the system that I want to buy over the course if it\'s lifetime.. then it\'s a good purchase AFAIC. I have no doubt that they\'ll make at LEAST that number. :)
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2002, 11:52:04 AM »
Blinx (made by ex-designer on NiGHTS and Sonic)

Why is it that the most interesting ideas (the time aspect in Blinx) are placed in the stupidest types of games?  I am so incredibly sick of platformers, and yet the most creative ideas never seen before that takes full advantage of the XBox\'s hardware is a goddamn platformer.  *sigh*  It\'s baffling and frustrating all at the same time.  In case no one understands what I am talking about, here\'s a brief snippet from gamespot on this game\'s unique features:

-- But unlike any other platformer, Blinx\'s gameplay is dependent upon the flow of time, which is made possible via the Xbox hard drive. Whenever Blinx collides with a time monster, the game will briefly stop and then start to rewind, placing Blinx in the same situation he was in just seconds ago. Think of it as a restart of sorts where you\'re given a chance to correct your mistake and avoid that very same enemy. However, if you make contact with an enemy three times within a level, the game ends. The concept of adjusting time is extended even further by Blinx\'s ability to manipulate time manually by recording, rewinding, fast-forwarding, pausing, or using slow motion. To use these functions, Blinx has to collect four of the corresponding items for that function. For example, if you want to use pause, then you have to collect four blue moons before you can press the X button, go into the menu, and then use it.


I don\'t want to make this a post criticizing all the games you listed Altered, I actually have quite high expectations of your list and am greatly anticipating quite a few titles listed there, but this particular title has to be the stupidest thing I\'ve ever seen.  I\'m sorry, but this game should stay on the PC where it truly belongs.  Oh well, to each their own, but having to pay for a game that\'s free otherwise is dissapointing.  I felt just as bad when CS went retail, and now this is just as terrible.  Ugh, how dissapointing.
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2002, 03:24:17 PM »
Originally posted by SonyFan
(PSO Xbox dosen\'t interest me because I don\'t have BB and I don\'t like the voice chat feature.. I have a tendancy to play female characters and I don\'t wanna have my cute lil FOnewearl Mana sounding like some biker dyke)

Well in that case, you should know that the Xbox voice communicator has a voice altering feature. You might sound like a woman afterall.:p;)
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2002, 05:02:55 PM »
Or I could just tye my nuts up with a couple thick rubber bands!

Naw... I\'ll stick with the KB communication. It\'s easier to "Role Play" when you don\'t have a contradictory sounding voice breaking the mood. I have initial doubts as to how well the "Voice changer" works.. and I\'m more comfortable using type face instead of voice in a RPG setting anyhow.
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Re: Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2002, 05:33:06 PM »
Originally posted by bigrob
Maybe it is becasue i am PS2 owner,

I stopped reading at that point.

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2002, 05:50:38 PM »
seven, yes your opinion matters less because as a PS2-only owner, you probably looked very closely at the PS2 titles, and less so on everything else. I looked at all the games I could for every system and the ones that generated alot of excitement for me were on XBox or GC, very few on PS2, although it had it\'s highlights in Shinobi and a couple other games.

SonyFan - I believe MGS2:S is coming out on XBox first, so you might as well put that in your list for XBox purchases. :p

I believe Nintendo generated the most excitement industry-wide. I personally would not say their games were better than other things shown, but a few on the GC interest me: PSO, RE: 0, Mario, Zelda, etc.

The real winner of E3 was obviously Sega, though. :D Oh yeah! Lovin for everyone! (especially me)

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2002, 06:42:30 PM »
No Altered: I\'ll be getting MGS2:S for the PS2. That\'s the platform I prefer to play it on. Jus like (if rumors about SplinterCell comming to PS2 are true) I\'d rather play Splinter Cell on the Xbox... and just like how I\'d rather play Shenmue II on the Dreamcast...

I don\'t know if you.. or really anyone.. understands this thought process. I guess, in my mind, MGS2 BELONGS on the PS2.. and that\'s where I\'ll play it. It\'s the same way with Malice. It just BELONGS on the Xbox.. and that\'s where I\'ll play it.

The only reason I\'m buying PSO for the NGC is because the enhanced version won\'t be comming out for the Dreamcast.. and PSO\'s servers are pretty dead as it is now.

Oh.. and if anyone tries to tell me that PSO for GC is a sequel to PSO for the DC because it has X% of new areas and X# of new characters, then so help me god I\'ll slap them across the face with my unwashed penis +99. :evil:
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2002, 07:00:28 PM »
Yeah, for the PS2 Shinobi looks great, the Getaway could be good, but I\'m not completely sold (remember I hate GTA3) and now that Rygar has dropped from the PS2 release lists (on the Tecmo site), it appears that title is scrapped or delayed indefinitely.

The rest are sequels and don\'t really excite me (although I\'ll probably rent most of them).

I think the GC had a great show, and I can see how people are exctied about the coming months, but as I have said before, it\'s not my thing--Metroid looks promising though.

The xbox had a great show.  Mech Assault, Panzer, Project Ego, KOTOR and Unreal Championship (I\'m a sucker for Unreal games) look incredible.  I\'m also pretty jacked about Xbox Live.

Looking at that list again though, MS is walking a fine line:  Panzer could bore (being on rails and all), ditto for Splinter Cell, KOTOR is only exclusive for a time, UC is PC bound in some form or another, Ego could tank...I think Mech Assault will be good though.  So will Crimson Skies.  Brute Force is also very tricky.  But all these other "AAA" games could turn out to be hyped nonsense.  I guess by November we\'ll see.

Either way, I\'m still more excited about xbox than the other two consoles.  I pretty much know what to expect from most of Nintendo and Sony\'s offerings (being sequels or platformers--btw, I agree with Ryu on the whole platformer/Blinks issue), and some will be strong titles, but we\'ve all been there.

With the xbox there is at least a chance that some new killer franchises might emerge.
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2002, 07:34:20 PM »
I think Shinobi will be a letdown. I don\'t like it\'s 3d transition at all. Some games just don\'t work out sometimes when it enters the third dimension.

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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2002, 02:01:18 AM »
Well \\/aporSnake... if they tried to keep the 2d gameplay in a 3d enviroment, then yeah, I agree that it would probably fail pretty badly. I don\'t think Sega\'s stupid enough to pull a move like that tho. This Shinobi will end up being a totally new game, with totally new gameplay, but with subtle hints and an atmosphere of the old skool. I doubt Sega is willing to sacrifice what may be a great game in order to cling -too- strongly to it roots. This might be why we\'re seeing an all new Shinobi instead of Sega\'s old standby Joe Mushashi(sp?).
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Xbox @ E3, did they show anything interesting??
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2002, 05:41:45 AM »
perhaps that is why im not interested in XBox very much.. im just not interested in the Sega titles  :D  :(

(sorry Altered and SonyFan :()


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