Ryu, you really disappoint me.
Why? Because for once, I am siding with Ginko and Watchdog? I never did go over your anti Xbox posts before because I never really had anything to add, especailly in regards to games I wasn\'t particularly excited about. However, Splinter Cell is something I am excited about and I have read everything in this thread and the negative statements you make towards XBox games is quite apparent. You can be dissapointed in me all you want, but I still call it like I see it.
I really don\'t know what more to say, but that I judged this game as a PS2 game since it\'s multi platform - therefore giving me no reason to downrate this game because it\'s on Xbox.
You judged this game based on the XBox footage you saw, but earlier said you\'d be willing to play the PS2 version, a version which will not match the XBox versionand that has been factual for every game that has been multiconsole with the exception of control, which is a more opinionative matter than anything else. Sure, you said it sounded intriguing, but all of that went downhill as soon as you saw the XBox video and started stating that the MGS2 textures were "fitting" and that these were "terrible." How can one be terrible and the other be fitting? ... oh wait, this will explain why:
I obviously won\'t buy a Xbox, so the PS2 would be my only option.
Yah, I guess with a statement like that, I can see why you don\'t really treat XBox with any great praise. I\'m actually surprised you even said the lighting was great, but since it\'s on PS2 also, I guess that comment was warranted.
Hell, Fast above just voiced his opion about the underwhelming textures... are you going to take that as his opinion or also as a bash towards Xbox?
In that case, when was the last time Fastson had anything good to say about the XBox? And if you want to name names about who agrees with who, Ginko, Watchdog, and Tetrad see what I am saying... so what\'s your point?
I would be careful calling it a mgs2 ripoff, hardware and ryu are very edgy about talking the truth about games they like...
"Hardware" and I just don\'t like you. It\'s nothing personal against your comparison, it\'s just you in general.