Im sorry but he is right. The comments are funny though.
The guy mention Project Gotham racing
as a good launch title and that game sucked.
It\'s understandable that the director is trying to sound best, but the smarter thing for him to do would be to just face the facts and just realize the mistakes.
Having the Microsoft name is not a good thing. Whoever has been screwed by MS (almost anyone who used their products), does not help ur console. Dropping ur price 33% is not good for ppl that bought Xbox at 299. Not fun watching ur console plummetting in value. Plus shows serious lack of confidence.
Having just another FPS shooter as launch title, when PC FPS games piss on it is not good.
No RPGs, pathetic fighting game, no strategy games, a good racing game and just a bunch of truly pathetic games. My friend got Xbox (gave PS2 away to a friend) and I would rent games and they just sucked. Sometimes I woudlnt be able to play them for more than an hour.
MS needs to get some games and spend money on that. Get some real customer service, fix their damn bugs and somehow compensate the ppl that gave them a chance just to see the console drop to 199 in 6 months. How long do they plan to make some damn 10 exclusive games most of which will suck as already seen.
And what MS fails to realize is that: What the hell do they know about gaming, electronics and hardware? And dont they know that Japanese electronics are way superior?
You are just as ignorant as Chrono.
You Think the guy is stupid because he said Project Gotham was good and you think it sucks? I hate to tell you but that\'s just your oppinion. I happen to really enjoy the game, not as much as GT3 granted, but I think it is a great game.
Have you never gotten a bad product from Sony, from Panisonic, from any company at all? Just because all of what they put out isn\'t 100% good doesn\'t make them a bad company. And no it\'s not good for people to buy something at certain price and then have it drop in price soon after, but that\'s the price you pay to be the first with the new technology. You say it shows a lack of confidence, but do you seriously think they should let their product do poorly if they can do something about it.
And yeah, it isn\'t rich in games of all genres, but neither is any new console. It takes time. And what can I say, if you don\'t like the games that your problem. There are plenty of great games out there. And you can play them all if you would just get rid of your fanboy mentality.
Tell me what bugs you speak of? Maybe they had some to begin with but they\'re long gone. And they will compensate no one for the price drop. For what reason should they? Microsoft didn\'t make them buy it, it was their choice. They want the technology, they pay a price.
"And what MS fails to realize is that: What the hell do they know about gaming, electronics and hardware? And dont they know that Japanese electronics are way superior?"
Im not even gonna touch this....How stupid can you be?