IMO FFXI right now, isn\'t doing bad. Yes, in terms of other Final Fantasy (which you SHOULDN\'T compare due their differences) it is doing horrible. However, 76,000 for an online only game on a system that requires you to buy a add-on to play it in a country that isn\'t big with online games and critized FFXI for being too "American", 76,000 is good. Now, selling 8,000 afterwards...not good. But no one said this game in particular had a lot of staying power (though a few here had sales of what, 400,000? Given that Everquest has about 500,000 monthly subscribers, I did find it hard to believe [though it has been reported that FFXI did sell out. Now, it probably sold out with 76,000. Big difference in numbers, but doesn\'t take away the fact that the game, at that time, did sell out if that was the case, not saying this is fact so don\'t quote me on this one]). And as I said before, a game on a system that requires an add-on, in a country not so hot on online games, and a game that is critized for being too American...not bad first start. And no reason for concern for Square yet.
Now, if this continues in Japan, they start losing subscribers (which this game relies on to make a profit), and sales don\'t do well here in the States and Europe, THEN you can call this game a failure. However, as of right now, more of a wait and see.