Hey fastson, you rock. I finally learned why the games dont look as good in action as they did in previews.
From my personal experience with DOA3, I barely noticed a difference from DOA2, mainly cause I dont pay much attention to graphics, but gameplay in fighting games. But in general, what I noticed was a smoother and touched up appearance. Overall, very little difference for me cause the actual graphics and model essentials were not changed but just touched up.
As for Ninja Gaiden, I kinda felt that after the third one of NES, it was over for the series. I think the first one rocked, very hard game. The 2nd one was good and the 3rd one was like the finish. Only so much you can do with the same gameplay base. (Was there one for SNES?)
So this game will probably have to copy from the MGS/Tenchu/Shenmue genre. I just do not see the original Ninja Gaiden game being brought to today\'s standard. It may be good, it may be bad. It\'s doubtful to be original, that is a hard task to conquer after all. But then it is also made by Tecmo. What was the last excellent game they made.
This will probably be a good game, but nothing to go crazy over for and definitely not worth buying an Xbox for.