Oh yes, boo hoo Heretic, boo hoo. After a mere 300 posts since you registered, your opinion is valued above all others. For someone who visits so casually, what do you care what we do to the forums anyways? Oh well, you stick around, we must be doing SOMETHING right. Ya know, it\'s amazing how you can have any opinion at all especially since it was based on a thread that has since been CLOSED long ago. You wren\'t even here for the week that it was open though. Your opinion is just that, but don\'t think that I won\'t give my opinion accordingly just the same. You think me being a mod means I should post at some god like standard? I was a member first and I posted the same way then and I will continue to do so in that way now. Being a mod comes second unless it\'s porn, gratuitous spam, or complete vulgarity in the worst sense.