Originally posted by Watchdog
I hate Survival Horror. Zombies jumping out of closets suddenly is not Hitchcock.
That is exactly why the original Resident Evil, and the original Silent Hill are superior to all others in the genre. They are scary
mostly because they dont rely on cheap Teen Slasher tricks to scare you, its pure atmosphere.
Alas, i dont find these games scary at all anymore because they are far too action orientated.. Who has time to be scared when you are blasting away at 10 zombies in front of you with a grenade launcher and 45+ grenades. If you had 10 zombies in front of you in the original RE on the PSX you would have **** your pants. That would have been instant death.
But i do play these games for the adventure and i do like to read those journals to find out more about the storyline
*hides*Oh and Bob - what are you smoking? Really hard puzzles in any Capcom game?!?
well.. its been a while.. but i was almost sure that some of the puzzles in the original DC had me stumped for ages...
thats what separated it from RE, the fact that it was more puzzle orientated.. at least thats how i saw it :nerd: