No little \'manual\' was sent to Best Buy, where do you get this stuff clowd? Remember, great arguments are built on facts, not lies.
I don\'t push any console at my store, but after finishing describing what comes with each of the systems, customers unwittingly will buy XBox because it is most powerful, you don\'t need memory cards, you don\'t need a multitap, and you can watch DVDs on it if you wanna spend 30 bucks on it. If it was always about the games, PS2 would be the only thing to leave the store. We sell alot of XBoxs to people who have played Halo or Project Gotham at a friends house. Word of Mouth is a better selling force than any "brainwashing" that MS could do.
XBox seems to be pushed by all the non-media employees in my store. It seems like everyday one of the CarFi or Audio guys tell me they sold an XBox for me. These guys LOVE WSB, Halo, and Moto GP. All they ever talk about when talking about XBox is those games. You get employees on peoples\' positive sides by providing great experiences and they will sell more of your systems, it is a natural process
Eric Jacob