Originally posted by Coredweller
1. Vader didn\'t know about Leia until Return of the Jedi. He read Luke\'s mind during their battle. He didn\'t know before. If he had known, why wouldn\'t they have mentioned it in Episode 4?
2. Uncle Owen is not related to Obi Wan. He just married Luke\'s grandma, and that\'s it.
3. That stuff you mentioned about Rahn and Katarn, etc is from the books or the games or something. NOT CANON. That stuff is going to be in any movies.
1. Whoops. I guess I messed up. I did think that he knew. If he did know, they wouldn\'t have mentioned it first off for suspense reasons. Also, Luke and Vader didn\'t meet face to face.
2. I can give you proof that Owen Lars is related to Obi.
This source I\'m getting it from is from a book.
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters They say and I quote word for word. "Records of Kenobi\'s youth are spotty. It is not known where he grew up, but he does have at least one brother, Owen Lars, who died on Tatooine." Taken from Page 91 on a bio on Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Owen Lars was never as flashy as his brother, Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the stronges Jedi Knights, nor as daring as Kenobi\'s friend, Anakin Skywalker." Page 102 Owen and Beru Lars.
Who knows their SW stuff now Coredweller
3. Even though it\'s not mentioned in the movies, Katarn and Rahn are still part of the Star Wars universe and are actual Star Wars characters. Books and games do count.
Here\'s a link about Kyle Katarn