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Author Topic: Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?  (Read 1311 times)

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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2002, 03:29:39 PM »
Originally posted by Titan

Vader knows about Leia. "Yes, a sister. You have a twin sister. If you don\'t turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will."

Luke goes to Obi\'s brother (or half brother. don\'t remember exactly).

Alot more Jedi make it through. Off the top of my head, I also know about Rahn. He also escapes and gives Morgan Katarn his lightsaber trusting that it will make it to Kyle Katarn\'s hands and he too becomes a jedi. There are a few more jedi but have to go back into my books to find them.

Darth Vader did not know about Leia you skiped the most valuable part of that statement or left it out "Yes, a sister. ---obi one was wise to hide her from me---. If you don\'t turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will."
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2002, 04:00:16 PM »
Originally posted by Videoholic
I was talking about Luke and Leya as twins the other day with someone and they didn\'t think they were twins.  I wasn\'t sure at all and leya seemed older so I just assumed.

in Ep6 when Luke goes back to see Yoda he says Luke you have a twin sister.......or maybe it was darth in the last battle........it was one of those 2 scenes......  Already said earlier in other posts....that is what i get for not reading all the posts........

BTW I\'m watching the Professional with Natalie Portman in it.........in the Memory GAme part she looked semi hot in that Madonna and Marilyn Munore Outfits.......Pity she is waaaay to young for me.

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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2002, 04:20:57 PM »
I want to see Dooku summon flames from hell to scorch Jar Jar into a crispy McNougat.
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2002, 04:37:22 PM »
Originally posted by Coredweller

1.  Vader didn\'t know about Leia until Return of the Jedi.  He read Luke\'s mind during their battle.  He didn\'t know before.  If he had known, why wouldn\'t they have mentioned it in Episode 4?

2.  Uncle Owen is not related to Obi Wan.  He just married Luke\'s grandma, and that\'s it.  

3.  That stuff you mentioned about Rahn and Katarn, etc is from the books or the games or something.  NOT CANON.  That stuff is going to be in any movies.

1. Whoops. I guess I messed up. I did think that he knew. If he did know, they wouldn\'t have mentioned it first off for suspense reasons. Also, Luke and Vader didn\'t meet face to face.

2. I can give you proof that Owen Lars is related to Obi.
This source I\'m getting it from is from a book. Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters They say and I quote word for word. "Records of Kenobi\'s youth are spotty. It is not known where he grew up, but he does have at least one brother, Owen Lars, who died on Tatooine." Taken from Page 91 on a bio on Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Owen Lars was never as flashy as his brother, Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the stronges Jedi Knights, nor as daring as Kenobi\'s friend, Anakin Skywalker." Page 102 Owen and Beru Lars.
Who knows their SW stuff now Coredweller

3. Even though it\'s not mentioned in the movies, Katarn and Rahn are still part of the Star Wars universe and are actual Star Wars characters. Books and games do count.
Here\'s a link about Kyle Katarn http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/kylekatarn/eu.html
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2002, 04:47:01 PM »
Originally posted by Titan
2. I can give you proof that Owen Lars is related to Obi.
This source I\'m getting it from is from a book. Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters They say and I quote word for word. "Records of Kenobi\'s youth are spotty. It is not known where he grew up, but he does have at least one brother, Owen Lars, who died on Tatooine." Taken from Page 91 on a bio on Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Owen Lars was never as flashy as his brother, Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the stronges Jedi Knights, nor as daring as Kenobi\'s friend, Anakin Skywalker." Page 102 Owen and Beru Lars.
Who knows their SW stuff now Coredweller

3. Even though it\'s not mentioned in the movies, Katarn and Rahn are still part of the Star Wars universe and are actual Star Wars characters. Books and games do count.
Here\'s a link about Kyle Katarn http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/kylekatarn/eu.html
Stuff from books and games doesn\'t mean a thing.  It\'s not Canon.  I have no idea who wrote that book you cited, or where they got their information from.  You ought to know that just because it\'s written in a book doesn\'t make it reliable.  This is of course more important in the real world than in some argument about the Star Wars universe, but it applies here too.

There is so much bogus additional marketing junk and novels written by crappy authors and lousy forgotten games around based on Star Wars, that you can\'t depend on all that stuff to predict what will appear in Episode 3 THE MOVIE.  The movies are canon, and they are what Lucas wrote or at least cowrote/outlined.  Not those books.
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2002, 04:54:22 PM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
Stuff from books and games doesn\'t mean a thing.  It\'s not Canon.  I have no idea who wrote that book you cited, or where they got their information from.  You ought to know that just because it\'s written in a book doesn\'t make it reliable.  This is of course more important in the real world than in some argument about the Star Wars universe, but it applies here too.

There is so much bogus additional marketing junk and novels written by crappy authors and lousy forgotten games around based on Star Wars, that you can\'t depend on all that stuff to predict what will appear in Episode 3 THE MOVIE.  The movies are canon, and they are what Lucas wrote or at least cowrote/outlined.  Not those books.

Oh yeah, books never count in series :rolleyes: The books that are written all count for the Star Wars series. So I guess Han and Leia never get married. I guess the whole galaxy ends right there. I guess Nym never actually aided in the battle of Naboo. Luke never became a real jedi Knight. I guess he never started a Jedi Academy. I guess Palpetine never made clones of himself prior to E6. I guess Shadows of the Empire and Luke planning how to free Solo never happened. The books and games are still stories about Star Wars and still count.

BTW, Andy Mangels wrote the Characters book. It is a good book and explains all of the characters up until 1995 (I\'m getting the new one). I read parts of the new one and they still are pretty close to each other. I think the same author wrote both but not exactly sure. If the books were not written, the whole post Star Wars ordeal will never make sense
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2002, 06:57:40 PM »
1) Obi knew Anakin had connections with the Lars, but brought Luke there shortly after birth because it was far from Imperial Activity.  It wasn\'t til the two droids landed on Tatoine that the imperials got involved.

2)If you remember, Obi-Wan fought along side Bail Organa in the clone wars and became life long friends.  In the interest of safety, he seperated Leia from Luke by letting her be raised by Bial.  Luke was raised as an average teen while Leia was raised as a princess.

3)Because Obi-Wan lacked experience-- combined with Anakins strong will, when Obi tries to lure Anakin back to the light side it results in a ferocious lightsaber battle.

4)It is true that Anakin stumbled into a pit of molten lava and emerged half-dead, a scarred hulk who couldn\'t breathe on his own.  Psychologically, he was transformed into Darth Vader.

5)Kenobi remained on Tatione to keep track of young Luke Skywalker.

Note that Mon Momtha declared rebellion after palpatine proclaims himself emperor.
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2002, 08:19:43 AM »
Originally posted by "The One" Billy Gunn
1) Obi knew Anakin had connections with the Lars, but brought Luke there shortly after birth because it was far from Imperial Activity.  It wasn\'t til the two droids landed on Tatoine that the imperials got involved.

2)If you remember, Obi-Wan fought along side Bail Organa in the clone wars and became life long friends.  In the interest of safety, he seperated Leia from Luke by letting her be raised by Bial.  Luke was raised as an average teen while Leia was raised as a princess.

3)Because Obi-Wan lacked experience-- combined with Anakins strong will, when Obi tries to lure Anakin back to the light side it results in a ferocious lightsaber battle.

4)It is true that Anakin stumbled into a pit of molten lava and emerged half-dead, a scarred hulk who couldn\'t breathe on his own.  Psychologically, he was transformed into Darth Vader.

5)Kenobi remained on Tatione to keep track of young Luke Skywalker.

Note that Mon Momtha declared rebellion after palpatine proclaims himself emperor.

1. Another reason Luke was taken to Tatooine and to live with Obi\'s brother is first off because Tatooine is in the Outer Rim Territories and Tatooine is way out of the Empire\'s reach.

2. Forgot about that part. That sure does explain. Stupid me.

3. Very true.

4. Obi Wan saved Anakin. After he fell into the molten pit, Obi pulled Anakin out and saved him. I guess Obi wanted to try to save Anakin once more but either didn\'t or Anakin fled.

5. That makes perfect sense.

6. I don\'t know too much about Mon Mothma. I\'m just assuming that she was also in politics and didn\'t like Palpatine that much. Oh well, looks like we have to wait until 2005 for the answers (or search the internet in a year or two ;) )

Andy Mengals wrote the second characters book as well, so the info should be the same (going back to my older post)
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U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2005, 07:27:10 PM »
a look back is always nice.
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2005, 03:26:25 AM »
so is a juicy pair of dairy cannons.
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Star Wars Episode 3.. How do you see it playing out?
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2005, 05:08:46 AM »

2. Uncle Owen is not related to Obi Wan. He just married Luke\'s grandma, and that\'s it.

Okay, this is really really wrong. Not to mention incredably sick. I often make light of sick things like necrophelea, so me saying something is sick means a lot. Uncle Owen\'s DAD married Luke\'s grandma! NOT UNCLE OWEN HIMSELF! THAT WOULD BE INCREDABLY FUCKED UP!


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