Watchdog and Heretic both made some good points. Honestly, at times I don\'t know if I should be sceptical or optimistic about Nintendo\'s future. As I said above, I\'m sure the GameCube will do a very nice job this generation, but looking into the future I can\'t help but to be more sceptical than overly excited.
The thing is, the market is growing larger by the day and the people who have made the PSX a success (teenagers + young adults) are coming in at a fast rate. Nintendo aren\'t the guys they once were in this industry and I honestly can\'t see them competing against Microsoft or Sony in the long run (at least where consoles are at stake).
Now before anyone bashes on me, hear me out first:
During the PSX days, the N64 wasn\'t selling very well at all in Japan and infact the only market which rivaled the PSX one was the North American I believe. Now with Xbox out and competing very well, I expect to see Nintendo loose a big share of their market. They might hold a strong second with GameCube until the end on a worldwide scale, but compared to last generation I could be a huge drawback. Also, Microsoft is here to stay. And there\'s more at stake than just the money cake. With that in mind, we can expect Microsoft to deal out those moneyhats if we like it or not - it will happen, that I am more than sure of.
Rumours are already letting assume that Nintendo isn\'t thinking about another installment after GameCube. If they loose their marketshare (or a big deal of it) this generation, I fear they won\'t make a next console and just concentrate on their handhelds. One damn good reason is the market changing:
the future buyers aren\'t necessarely those that want a game-only console, but more an entertainment system or setup-box. Sure there will be always those hardcore gamers, but I\'m speaking about the masses here. Nintendo doesn\'t have the necessary resources to just go out and make the next super console with networking, dvd and what not - they have to rely on other allies such as Matsushita and others to do so. So what I\'m really getting at, is that the market is changing and it doesn\'t seem to be going Nintendo\'s way.
Of course, if GameCube proves me wrong and does very well - then I\'m sure they\'ll be back. If not though and the scenario Watchdog\'s refering to comes true, then I wouldn\'t hold my breath of them being back next gen.