I admire a lot of people here, but can\'t understand why many of them hate Nintendo, or at least, can\'t see why they are a great company on the whole (bar a few stupid mistakes they have made in the past)
I think it\'s very childish and silly personally...I can just about understand why some people hate Microsoft (I mean, I use Windows XP which is an utter pain in the arse) but even that is stupid.
Nintendo make great games, and they were around way before Sony came stomping into the console entertainment zone and made it "cool" to play videogames. And, Nintendo were mostly honest about the Gamecube, unlike Sony, who declared the PS2 to be "the future of videogaming" and claimed it had "Toy Story" graphics.
I own a Dreamcast, PS2, and a GC. And yes, the PS2 is a great console. But so is the GC, and how anyone could hate Nintendo escapes my mind...they formed many fond gaming memories from my childhood, and still make argubly the best games.
Before any of you Nintendo haters try and put Sony above them next time, remember one thing: Nintendo has always been about games. Sony Hasn\'t.