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Author Topic: Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.  (Read 3591 times)

Offline CS2x
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« on: July 26, 2002, 06:55:57 PM »
I admire a lot of people here, but can\'t understand why many of them hate Nintendo, or at least, can\'t see why they are a great company on the whole (bar a few stupid mistakes they have made in the past)

  I think it\'s very childish and silly personally...I can just about understand why some people hate Microsoft (I mean, I use Windows XP which is an utter pain in the arse) but even that is stupid.

Nintendo make great games, and they were around way before Sony came stomping into the console entertainment zone and made it "cool" to play videogames. And, Nintendo were mostly honest about the Gamecube, unlike Sony, who declared the PS2 to be "the future of videogaming" and claimed it had "Toy Story" graphics.  

I own a Dreamcast, PS2, and a GC. And yes, the PS2 is a great console. But so is the GC, and how anyone could hate Nintendo escapes my mind...they formed many fond gaming memories from my childhood, and still make argubly the best games.

Before any of you Nintendo haters try and put Sony above them next time, remember one thing: Nintendo has always been about games. Sony Hasn\'t.

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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2002, 07:07:49 PM »
Pretty good post.

Can\'t wait for the backlash.
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2002, 07:30:42 PM »
I don\'t understand either.. but eh.. to each their own. I hate Nintnedo as a company, but I don\'t have a problem with their games. Usually their games are pretty fun.. even if a bit cartoony and *gasp* family oriented.
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2002, 08:13:36 PM »
IMO, you have to have owned an N64 and enjoyed it thoroughly to understand why people still trust Nintendo.

One who was brought up on Playstation alone prolly wouldn\'t get it. I can understand that. If one looks into the N64\'s life-cycle, it looks rather desolate. Oh, look, Mario Party.. Banjo-Kazooie.. Paper Mario.. kiddy kiddy!

If you actually played several of the dozens of Nintendo/Rare games on N64 through, you\'d see that many of them are fun.. and many of them are extremely fun. Many that the mainstream shrugged off.. are classics.

It\'s a similar situation with Sega, except that their 32-bit Saturn failed commercially.

Otherwise, same thing. If you didn\'t own the system or "get into it", you aren\'t going to understand the appeal.

You aren\'t going to "get" why people such as myself bought a GameCube.
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Offline cloud345
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2002, 08:17:56 PM »
*coke mode on*

     Well everyone hates it because it doesnt have a DVD or the capability to play cds. They also try to BRAIN WASH YOU! Nintendo sucks and has always sucks. Pure gaming? Yeah right. Nintendo really sucks alot.

*Coke mode off*

    I really dont see why people hate nintendo either. I personally love GC also.......but so many others hate it. It just confuses me. Is it because im a kid?
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Offline Chrono
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2002, 08:25:40 PM »
I\'m 18 and I like my gamecube.. i\'ll like it alot more this fall though :)

Offline Eiksirf
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2002, 09:14:39 PM »
Yea, anyone who knows anything about the Cube seems to like it.  Whether they buy one or not is a different story.

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Offline shockwaves
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2002, 09:24:31 PM »
I own only one console that is currently developed for, the Gamecube.  I chose it over PS2 because Nintendo had never let me down before.  For me, it wasn\'t important to have a new game out every couple weeks.  I buy maybe 5 or 6 a year, if that.  For my, the Gamecube is perfect.  I have loved many of the games, and there seem to be great ones on the way.

I agree though, how someone can hate Nintendo the way some people here do amazes me.  They haven\'t done anything so awful if you ask me.  Some people just seem perhaps a bit insecure with their maturity or something, and don\'t like the idea of endorsing a system that some see as a "kiddy" console.  That\'s what I make of it anyway.

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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2002, 11:58:43 PM »
Nintendo make great games, and they were around way before Sony came stomping into the console entertainment zone and made it "cool" to play videogames. And, Nintendo were mostly honest about the Gamecube, unlike Sony, who declared the PS2 to be "the future of videogaming" and claimed it had "Toy Story" graphics.

Woah, now hold it there buddy. Nintendo more honest than Sony about their specs? Please, what exactly did Nintendo do or say anyway? They kept their specs in the dark more than any other company. At least everyone knows what the PS2 has inside it thanks to Sony actually publishing the "real" specs. But if you call "saying nothing" more honest... what ever. I certainly don\'t.

And no one hates Nintendo. Really, I might be sceptical about their future, but I still respect them for what they are. While I might not respect Microsoft and to a certain extend Xbox, I certainly do not hate that console either.

Offline CS2x
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2002, 01:21:05 PM »
Originally posted by seven

Woah, now hold it there buddy. Nintendo more honest than Sony about their specs? Please, what exactly did Nintendo do or say anyway? They kept their specs in the dark more than any other company. At least everyone knows what the PS2 has inside it thanks to Sony actually publishing the "real" specs. But if you call "saying nothing" more honest... what ever. I certainly don\'t.

And no one hates Nintendo. Really, I might be sceptical about their future, but I still respect them for what they are. While I might not respect Microsoft and to a certain extend Xbox, I certainly do not hate that console either.

I was refering to the fact that Nintendo revealed the GC specs more closely to how they would perform in game, while the PS2 specs are raw polygons per seconds.

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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2002, 01:28:37 PM »
I don\'t recall hearing Nintendo go , " our system can deliver Toy STORY quality graphics " . ;)

Personally, I was let down by the N64 but I gave the NGC a chance and I\'m happy with it so far.

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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2002, 02:10:00 PM »
Hmmm, my first real console was the 8 bit MasterSystem
by Sega. Years later I had the N64, apart form some very
cool games I felt letdown by Nintendo always ranting on
about how superior it\'s N64 was over the PSX.  Well, now
I have a PS2 and I\'m fine with it. If I had the money... I\'d
certainly give the Gamecube a try though.
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2002, 02:44:34 PM »
Interesting note, a while back I found a press release from 1999 of Toshiba heralding their newly developed GS for PS2 touting it as being able to render ‘Toy Story Like\' graphics in real time. Maybe some talking head at Sony picked up that comment and ran with it for a while, doesn\'t mean much to me either way. What I do remember prior to the Japanese launch was seeing movies from TGS of MGS2, Kessen, The Bouncer, and thinking they all looked pretty damn cool.  I think it\'s silly someone could still fell burned about the ‘Toy Story\' jive  and that Sony has somehow tricked 30,000,000 people into buying their console :p
And also for what it\'s worth, going by a few clips I\'ve seen just lately, the models used in Toy Story seemed to have almost no textures ;)

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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2002, 03:21:53 PM »
That\'s exactly what I\'ve been thinking. I mean, I\'ve got the DVD of the first Toy Story (well, my sister owns it, really) and sure it might look damn good, but if you really get down to it, it\'s not all that impressive. The PS2 can do real time toy story graphics - maybe just not in an actual game scenario. But then again, until the console maxes out, you, I or anyone in here won\'t know for sure how good things can get.

Come to think of it, wasn\'t it just more the press that hyped up the PS2 to what it could have been rather than Sony who just showed of those "incredible" specs?

Either way, Nintendo hasn\'t said all that much about specs at all when speaking of their console. I wonder why though... Maybe because it\'s just nothing all that special... (not intended as a bash). Oh and CS2x, don\'t take those estimates from Nintendo too seriously. Their not fact, but just estimates of what Nintendo thinks is achievable on their console. I wouldn\'t even call it specs, because their just... well estimates and nothing more.

EDIT: something I\'d like to add on:

raw numbers == fact
ingame scenario == estimate

As a customer, I sure know which one I\'d be more interested in...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2002, 03:36:08 PM by seven »

Offline Eiksirf
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Nintendo, and the way it\'s viewed.
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2002, 07:00:33 PM »
Raw numbers = waste of time.
Estimate = waste of time.

Actual gameplay?  Judge for yourself.

Specs shouldn\'t mean anything.  Judge by what\'s available, that makes the most sense.

Sure, this system COULD do this, but it doesn\'t.  Here\'s what it DOES do.  Take it or leave it.

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