In a magazine I dont remember which(could be newsweek?) kojima was characterized as one of the most important people among novel writers,movie directors etc.
Which could mean it wasnt just the movie approach of the game.It was also the plot.
I dont think there was ever a game with such a plot.With such themes.Such subjects.EVER.Even if it was less of an "interactive movie",had less cut scenes,if it was longer,had more features etc IMO it would have still been in Newsweek.
Games like halo although are great,revolutionary in their way, can not be compared with a book or a movie because of their plot.The plot exists as an excuse for the enviroments,the enemy,the main character,the allies etc.As for MGS1 and 2 the plot does not exist as an excuse.The game depends on the plot and the plot depends on the meanings and messages the "creator" wants to send to the "viewers".
Not all movies win awards.Not all movies have special articles deticated exclusively to them in mags(check what kind of these movies are most of them and their themes).The same is for books.And in games MGS:SOL happens to be the first.