Some of you may think I\'m a Nintendo/Sega fanboy, but that isn\'t true. I may have a soft spot for both of them, since they were around during gaming\'s golden period (SNES/Megadrive), but I most certainly don\'t hate Microsoft or Sony....the PS2 has some wonderful games, many from Sony\'s in house studios, and X-Box has Halo, it\'s sequel, and lots of fun PC-style games.
But, what I really can\'t understand, is how certain people on all messageboards, including this one, hate certain consoles, and are manic fans of others....just becuase you don\'t own a console, doesn\'t make it crap, and if you hate a company, at least have a valid reason to really hate them. Sorry to pick out an individual, but Rastalant\'s signature ("terrorizing nintendo fanboys 24/7") is a great example of pure, pathetic, fanboyism...what reason does he have to hate Nintendo "fanboys"? Why does he feel the need to "terrorize" them? It\'s just an example...and then, there\'s the hatred towards the X-Box, which is even more, I don\'t think you count, since you actually own one and have experience of it (plus, your X-box comments are light-hearted and generally funny;) ) but certain people automatically dissmiss any X-box screenshots...just "coz they r frm da X-box, which sux"....
The truth of the matter, is that ALL THREE NEXT-GEN CONSOLES ARE GREAT. Accept it. All three offer something unique, something great, and something special to offer. If someone pointlessly trahses anther console, I have noticed that they often don\'t even own it, and simply hate it becuase they own the other two consoles out there. What is the point? Try before you dissmiss.
I own a PS2, Dreamcast, and a Gamecube, and I would most certainly like an X-Box if I could afford it...but I\'m not going to start judging an X-Box, becuase..*gasp*...I don\'t have one!
Now, I\'m probably gonna get flamed for this thread, especially by people who haven\'t bothered trying to understand what I have said....but please let\'s get one thing straight: I\'m not racist, and enjoy all consoles equally.