And I\'m glad that I won\'t have to play on a server that is getting lagged to hell by a LPB.
I too think it was a hasty move by MS to go BB only. If I made the decision, I\'d offer a dialup service too, but it\'s not my dime and I\'m glad MS had tha balls to go big.
From my play experience on the PC, from everything from Diablo, to Halflife and everything in between, I hated playing with LPBs. If the server isn\'t shit, they are whining about their connection or about the unfairness of it all or how they\'d be the best player on the server if they had a 150 ping or they\'d spam the chat window with "****ing ping" or "lag kill you pu55y" or "why don\'t you go on a BB only server asshole" or "I was typing you asshole".
Sigh. It ruins the experience. It really does. And that\'s not even considering the lag. Call me elitest, but I hate dial up players, they have my sympathy--they really do--but they don\'t belong on the same server as I am. I understand that many people can\'t afford or don\'t have access to BB, but that doesn\'t change the fact that it sucks to be a LPB and it sucks to play with them.
For my part, I don\'t give a damn if MS makes money, I don\'t care if PS2 will have more online players. There will be enough people playing XBL (not even counting the dozen or so of my buddies that are dying for it) for me to enjoy it. You only need 10 to have a great CTF game.
Which service will be better, which company is evil, which console is better, I don\'t care, really. All I know is that I\'ll soon have Unreal, Mechassault and SOCOM and I\'ll be shaming all you bozos and your weak skillz.