DC - I got mine on 9/9/99 and loved every minute of it. It had a consistent stream of excellent games and IMO was the best console since the SNES.
PS2 - At first I was agianst getting one because I could easily see that Sony was putting less than stellar hardware out to capitalize on their success and that they were not trying to inovate AT ALL. Then I saw Madden 2001 and forgot all of that stuff. Not the best console or even a very good console, still it has the games. So, it has me.
GCN - I got one at launch. Boredom. Got Smash Bros. Joy. Three Months later....Boredom. I have not seen or touched a GCN controller since around May. Maybe I\'ll go back when Zelda comes out.
Xbox - My opinion has changed the most on the Xbox. I had no plans of getting one until I played Halo. I love that game.
Anyways, I think MS has the best designed console this generation and are in a good position to dominate next generation. My MOST anticipated games are all coming out on the Xbox.