As for Sony letting go of all their high class title.. well there\'s not a whole helluva lot they can do about it. They aren\'t "Sony\'s" titles people.. even if you\'ve only ever known them to be on Playstation consoles. They\'re property of the compaines who make them, period. Don\'t even bother trying to contest it. When Gran Tourismo, Jack & Daxter, Syphon Filter, Twisted Metal, or other Sony made games start hitting the Xbox or NGC.. then you\'ll have a right to complain and get worried. Besides.. you seem to forget that noone ever knew about 9/10ths of these franchies going into the 32 bit generation.. they were all new. Let em go.. and lets see what new and original concepts the 128 bit generation brings us alright? Getting rid of these oldies but goodies is jus clearing the plate for the high-profile games of tomorrow.
Secondly, as for those Capcom rumors. They are just rumors AFAIK. Even so.. don\'t act surprised when CAPCOM ports an EXCLUSIVE title to a different console. They\'re port happy money whores who don\'t know the meaning of the word exclusive. They\'ve proven this time and time and time again. How long does it take to get the point that no matter what Capcom says.. if the game becomes a hit it\'ll end up hitting most to all other platforms.
Now NAMCO.. there\'s a company I still have a ton of respect for. RidgeRacer has never gone multiplatform (or was there an N64 version?), Tekken has never gone multiplatform, and Soul Calibur.. a game which would have sold a ton on the PS2 was kept soully as a Dreamcast game because simply.. Namco said that you\'d never find it on another platform.. and they kept their word.