I think MGS2 SOL is a mixed bag. First the good part.
Gameplay is addictive, I keep playing it. Even though
the variety in weapon use is limited to the game\'s actual
goals (stuff which should be done according to the story
and progress of the game). Of course you can blow up
something or somebody anytime you like with a C4 or
a claymore. Shame though they don\'t show any damage
to the environment.
There are some nice cinematic touches in the cutscenes.
I\'m not saying ALL cutscenes are superbly directed, but some
are. Technically the graphics are still very good. Not the best
on consoles, but good. I think bumpmapping would give
this game a big boost visually. Disappointing to hear Substance
on Xbox is visually only slightly more sharp looking. :crap:
Now the bad. The story. Although there are some very nice
conspiracy theories implemented in there and stuff about
evolution, Hideo Kojima has made imo a mistake in letting
that story restrict sooooo much elements of the game.
For example, the visual design is imo to much dictated/restricted
by the story which is in result a step backwards in design, in
comparison to MGS1. I\'m talking about game environments,
charactre designs and visual presentation. I like Snake\'s MGS1
sneaking suit better than in MGS2 and certainly better than
Raiden\'s skullsuit. Also, all environments except the tankership
are a step back imo. Looks very repetive and bland imo. Yess, it
DOES matter, in what kind of game world I play. Presentation.
For me, the polygonal codec faces are quite dull. I\'d rather see
an improved version of the handdrawn stuff like in MGS1. Somehow, drawings gave it more \'charactre\'. Music is also a step backwards imo. Williams\'s score is utterly forgettable imo. Sounds like a watered down movie soundtrack to me.
It\'s sooo \'loungy\'and relaxed. I\'d like something with a bit more dark and gritty feeling to it. All in all, it\'s a good game but NOT a masterpiece. From the looks of previews, MGS Substance is gonna
be alot of what MGS2 SOL should have been.