Ugh.. I can\'t believe you didn\'t go for that deal I showed you. It had pretty much all the games I\'m gonna list here and thensome. Not to mention including Shenmue into the package. Meh, oh well.
Yeah, the GD-Rom is loud.. but you ain\'t heard nothing yet. Try popin in PSO v.2. Good god.. I half expect to tip it over and watch metal shavings filter out half the time. The excessive grindage from that game is - I think - causing my Dreamcast to fade slowly too. Lately I\'ve had to take the screws out and leave em out. The GD-Rom lazer will set to a position and not move for anything. You have to periodically take the case off, lift the Lazer unit out, and turn the gears slightly by hand to get it calibrated again. Figures that my Sony PSX (known for crap quality) is still going strong after 8 years of serious beatings, while my Dreamcast (Known for the highest quality hardware) which I\'ve treated like a baby is going out after just one year.
Anyhow.. games I recommend:
PSO v.1 - It\'s still free, and one of my favorite games for the system. The community is kinda dead.. but it\'s nice practice for the NGC version. Don\'t bother with PSOv.2 this late in the game. (Note: If you buy it used, you\'ll have to call Sega and have them reset the seriel numbers since only 1 copy of PSO can work on any 1 Dreamcast system)
Quake III Arena - (Not online anymore)
Unreal Tournament - (Online, but nowhere as good as the PC version)
Capcom vs. SNK - Me Bouncy.
I love that chick.
Jet Grind Radio - Skatin and Taggin, annoying Jpop music with a few great tunes tossed in.
Ecco The Dolphin - Dolphin Sim. Tough as hell. Not for everyone.
Crazy Taxi - Should be cheap, and good fun for a 10 min sprint here and there between better games.
Sonic Adventure I & II - What\'s a Sega console without Sonic?
Shenmue II - Much better than Shenmue I IMO, and has a much better combat system.
Alien Front Online - Same as Crazy Taxi. It\'s not online anymore, so there\'s not much point for extended use.
Soul Calibur - Still one of the best fighters available. My Taki Ow3nz joo!
House of the Dead 2 - GORGEOUS and fun, but can get annoying without a lightgun.
Seaman - It\'s erm.. unique.
Virtual Pet, like Tamagachi on PMS.
Resident Evil: CV - Not much good if you own the PS2 version. Looks better tho.
Lest, those are the games I can recommend first hand from my collection.
Mediocre Games -
MSR - You\'ve got it. Nothing special.
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offence - A fun car combat game, but it\'s bascially a PSX game.
TrickStyle - Poor man\'s SSX on hoverboards.
AirForce Delta - Like Ace Combat but crappier
Kiss Psyco Circus - A middle of the road FPS. Crappy weps.
HeadHunter - MGS & RE lovechild... but born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrom. Not a bad game, but not great either.
Crap Games - Avoid like the plauge
Evolution - Launch title RPG like game.. it blows chunks.
Carrier - Some people like it.. I loath it. Everthing about it screams mediocrity.
ESPN Track & Feild - It\'s bad.. like.. Superman64 bad.
AeroWings 2 - Would have been nice.. it\'s a sim.. but it\'s bland, boring, and excessively difficult. It chews you out for being jus a few digrees & feet off of perfect durring your manuvers.. even if you pulled them off succesfully.
Also, you\'ll want to pick up a few peripherals. To top my list:
VGA Adaptor - This should be a requirement. Plus, PAL & NTSC regieons don\'t matter as long as the game is VGA compatable. It\'s a importers best friend... and easily my most valued peripheral.
LightGun - If you don\'t get any games which need it, it\'s not a big deal. Makes the shooters like HOTD2 much more enjoyable tho.
Mouse - Good for UT & Quake III, but has limited uses past that.
Keyboard - Only really necessary for online games where you wanna chat in real time to other players like in UT or more specifically in PSO. It should have been bundled with PSO.. it\'s THAT necessary.
Gameshark/Codebreaker - You\'ll need these if you plan on importing since they bypass the territorial lockout for you. I suggest CodeBreaker.
VMU\'s/Memcards - No explanation needed. If you get into PSO alot, you\'ll need the extra space for chars since you can only fit one char on per card.
Controllers - Everyone should own at LEAST 2 controllers for the system.
DualShock2 Adaptor - Allows you to use the PS2 gamepad on the Dreamcast. I love mine, and most have options to let you hook up either a PS/2 Keyboard, PS2 Gamepad, or a SegaSaturn Game pad.
Mircophone - You\'ll probly get one with Seaman or AFO if you get those games.
Also, as for extra batteries for the VMU.. you should be alright as long as you remember to unplug your controller when you\'re done. That will effectively double to triple their lifespan since the VMU draws power from the batteries even while the DC unit is off. (Why, I have no idea) You don\'t NEED batteries tho.. since even without them they still function as a memory card. You jus won\'t be able to play Minigames like Chao Adventure, Soul Calibur Minigames, or manage your memory/use the clock functions.