I think Sonyfan was right with his whole spiel on simplicity. Yes, games are more fun when they are terribly simple. I mean, look at the facts, how many buttons does the Xbox controller have? PS2? GCN? How many did the NES have? See the difference? That’s why people are bringing up Contra and other simple games that they exclaim are just so much more enjoyable then “today’s drivel.” I’m sorry, but I can’t say that games today are all fluff or all flash. There are some truly original ideas out there that people just refuse to accept. I still think that Metroid Fusion will be one of the top tier games after accepting the fact that an FPS Metroid can and will work, besides that, we are getting a 2D version regardless on the GBA. That brings me to another point…
If gaming is so contrived and horrible, then why not just buy a GBA and not touch all the other consoles that are out there? Honestly, if you can complain about games being oh so terrible, then why have a PC that’s top of the line? Why own every console? I fail to see the point if most everything out there is crap to begin with, but that’s going to be something I’m sure mm will have a quick answer for.
compare replayability with games today with games 10 years ago
I have. The replayability is the same, it\'s just now we\'ve come to expect a whole lot more based on what we have already seen. For the first time ever in console gaming, people are actually complaining about length. In fact, I\'m told to mention length in reviews, something I never EVER had to do in the 32/16/8-bit days. Since when did length ever affect a games fun factor? Take a look at the Bouncer and check out it\'s main critique from reviewers and you\'ll see what I mean.
If you tried doing the same exact contra format with flashier graphics and absolutely no change to the format (shattered soldier is a change in the format so we\'ll leave that out for now) reviewers and gamers would just complain that it was "just another shooter" just like how you complained that UT2K3 was just another Quake clone today. Still though, the point stands.
And by God, there is one thing that rings true today as it did well over a year ago when we first saw it: gamers can\'t take change. Gamers want more realism, and gamers want flashier better graphics. Don\'t believe me? Go check out 90% of the message boards out there and search in their archives for their utter outrage when Zelda took that enormous graphical turn from ultra realisim with so many lighting effects and such a high polygon count, to the toon shaded format. Myself and a handful of other on this board accepted it, the rest thought Miyamoto was a tool of the devil. Would you believe that most of the people complaining about the change were those who grew up with Zelda in the first place? Just think about it...