Desperation? doubtful. I think they are just trying to counteract the Gamecube Mario bundle, but instead, you get 2 free games, instead of a game and a small memory card for 40 bucks more.
It isn\'t like Sega is giving these copies away. MS most likely bought the copies from Sega at a lowered price, since JSRF probably has alot of copies sitting around, and Sega GT 2002 will never sell huge without decent advertising. Well, this way, the bundle gets advertised, more people play both games, and both MS and Sega look good the press.
btw, when Sega included the three games in with Saturn, it\'s sales rose 500%, software sales rose 400%, this was to the point of outpacing PSX for a few months (N64 was rampaging both), but after, the exclusive titles on PSX really made the difference. This bundle will help to sell quite a few XBoxes, since you get 2 games to try out when you buy the system.
Eric Jacob