I have been playing the demo for over a day now. Bob is right on with his impressions. The thing that bugs me the most is not moving the bodies gets you in trouble even if you have cleaned out the area.
Clipping also is a huge problem in this game. If you lay someone next to a wall. They end up going right through it. I am in disbelief that it is doing that. It makes the rest of the game seem somewhat inferior so far as quality goes. I read they were working on the clipping, and AI. Evidently the demo we are all playing is from a 3 month old build. I doubt that is enough time to rework everything needed, but maybe get rid of the glaring problems it does have.
As far as coolness goes. There is nothing like jumping up a hallway, and doing the splits. Then waiting for a victim to stroll by just drop down from above on them.
MM I have been reading the ubisoft forums, and ubisoft themself say one version is not going to be superior over the other version. They say each will have their own strengths and weaknesses. In essence though each is built around Geforce3 technology.
EDIT: I forgot another one of my complaints. I have trouble hitting any light with my gun unless I am using my heat vision thing.
Somewhat off the subject, but I killed a guy today when I shot him in the knee. I thought you woulf appreciate that BOB. Bob have you tried a human shield yet? They say in the newest version it works. I know it does not in this game. They shoot right past my hostage, and hit me.