Originally posted by Zolar
EGM\'s review crew gave Gran Turismo 2 all 10\'s. It was a good game, but it wasn\'t perfect! It had it\'s flaws. I can\'t remember the last time I bought a EGM magazine. Is Shoe still with EGM?
I agree in some way Zolar, but consider the hardware they had to make GT2. it should be considered as probably
the best PS1 racing game (alonside another one of my fave\'s Crash Team Racing).
It easily deserved a 9 but i understand your concern.. if GT2 was the best PS1 racer then yeah, it should have scored 10
as it would technically been the best out of the consoles lifespan. their imho hasnt been a racer on PS1 that has been
better in terms of replay value (you\'d be lucky to complete the game let alone re-play it) and handling.
it had it all.. The hardware was the downfall.. it just couldn\'t handle what polyphony envisioned.
it\'s up in the air.. i\'d say 9 easily but would it have deserved a 10 if technically there couldn\'t have been anything
more that could be achieved due to the limitations of the PS1. GT2 batterd the machine into submission..
i doubt the PS1 had much more in reserve to give.