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Author Topic: It\'s really not that special.  (Read 2988 times)

Offline Paul
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It\'s really not that special.
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2002, 05:26:28 PM »
I never liked GTA3 and same goes for GTA3:VC. But after playing the game for about 5 hours, i realized that it isn\'t such a bad game and some of the missions are quite fun. Also, noticebably improved are the frame rates. The frame rates in GTA3 suffered serious slowdown at times while in GTA3:VC, although the frame rates isn\'t high(sub 30fps), it\'s pretty much constant and I haven\'t seen any sudden frame drop as yet.

It\'s a nice game although I wish you can do more in the city and the texture to be improved.


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