Depending on the type of games you like, SMS could be considered the best game you play this year.
It\'s an awesome platformer. Not quite as revolutionary (or all-around good) as SM64 was back in 1996, but definitely a must-buy title if you own a GCN IMHO. However, IMO.. it\'s not the best game on the system.
Grab a platinum GCN with Metroid Prime and say goodbye to your social life for a week..
BTW, there are a pile of good-great-AAA games on GCN now. The aforementioned SMS, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Star Fox Adventures, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Monkey Ball 1&2, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 1&0, Wave Race: Blue Storm, Mario Party 4 and much much more.. nevermind the storm of games coming next year. (among them the 4th "perfect" game to date according to Famitsu,
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)