Originally posted by CHIZZY
LUKE, your avatar roxors!
"...prime directive-EXTERMINATE! the whole human race. And your face falls off in a pile of flesh and your heart, heart pounds till it pumps in death....."
Misfits rule.
"all i gotta saaay, and all i gotta doooo, who i do this for hey me or you?"
heres a quick story for ya...
i went on warped tour with my freinds band as thier merch guy a couple summers ago, and the misfits were on the tour. now granted, their not really the misfits without danzig but still it was cool to meet jerry only and doyle and robo.
anyways, jerry only is like 6\'6 and built like a linebacker, and hes absolutly one of the nicest guys ive ever met.
so every night after all the bands were done everyone would have a big bbq. and one night (i think it was virginia) i walk to the bbq area and what do i see? 6\'6 jerry only, in his FULL misfits gear, flipping burgers and serving them up to everybody.
man it was a sight to see.