The greatest surprise hit:
Final Fantasy VII
I was young and foolish. I didn\'t understand english much. All I saw, at first, was a blokkish character. Blocky graphics, a gameplay-mechanic I didn\'t understand - and \'thus my attempts at playing the game ended on the first boss. Given that the retailers hailed it as the "revelation of videogaming", I wasn\'t impressed.
A year or so later.
I decided to buy the game. I had learned to understand english to a great degree. After reading numerous reviews of FFVII and hearing mouth-to-mouth praise, I bought the game. And I am glad that I did.
It was my first Role Playing Game. My first game which had a really in-depth story-line, well-rounded characters and wonderful musics to boot. It was the perfect package, and still in my top-three. At no. 1. Nothing has rivalled it since - although few games landed close ( Half-Life, for example ).
Truly an awesome game.