We\'ve had some members asking for help with homework in the past, and they\'ve had alot of help, especially Adan if I remember correctly. Anyway, please help me with this. PRETTY PLEASE?

Choose a local natural resource with which you are familiar, e.g., an acre of farmland or a nearby lake.
a. List three alternative uses for your chosen raw material.
b. Choose one of the three uses. What is the opprtunity cost of this use? (What do you give up for it?) Should you include the cost of clean-up (if this is appropriate) following use?
c. Is the resource renewable or not? If not, should this be factored into your calculations?
d. Describe how your community has chosen to use the resource so far, if at all. Who and what have deteremined that choice?
You must be thinking I\'m dumb or something, I\'m just lazy.

If you can\'t help, just gimmie some ideas on a natural resource, cause I have no friggin clue. :crap: