Originally posted by The Hurricane
i can assume there will be monthly fees...
Usually any game using a dedicated server will charge a monthly fee. Planetside, SWG, and a few others likewise.
Back to E&B I ran into a lvl 100 player last night and was invited to join his guild. At the time I was a lowly lvl 20. The guild upgraded my reactor and gave me supercharged weapons. Woohoo!
After a cruise in formation(awesome) around the galaxy I went from a lvl 20 to lvl 30 in one hour. We went places where if I was left alone my survival would have been in doubt(I would have been destroyed). Venus(a female player was able to open up wormholes) helped us move around quickly. She had an incredible vessel a Progen Explorer.
My impression of the game has now climbed greatly. I think I found my everquest.
I am hooked.