Some facts about oil seem to be needed here. Let\'s start with imports to the US
Ott - US oil imports top 10 &
The Energy Information Administration . Largest imports of Oil come from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico & Venezuela. But as can be seen on the EIA site the US has been become more dependant on imported oil, producing less oil itself and importing more each year. Which goes some way to explaining why
Strikes in one country can send your
Oil prices up .
As for the oil from Russia, that\'s still sometime in the future. As can be seen from this news article
Khilafah . Also look on the right-hand side of this site for some news stories which you might not normally see.
Now for the killer, oil reserves. Sure you can get your oil else where, but for how long? Here are the top ten oil reserves
Ott - Top 10 . Notice the top 5 there. If you can\'t see what they have in common
Look at this . As for the rest of the world it\'s back to
The EIA . As you maybe able to tell the rest of the world would most likely use up their reserves before that of the countrys in the Middle East, with them having more than 50% of the oil reserves in the world.
So it wouldn\'t be beyond possibilities (that some here don\'t seem to see, or wish to admit to) that oil could be a major factor in all this. Especially seeing as the US is by far the
largest consumer in the world. Also has to make you wonder when an Americian analyst says that the WORST thing Saddam could do is light the oil wells in Iraq.