Originally posted by SirMystiq
Ohh, just stop with the freedom shit. Let\'s see you try to walk into the womans restroom.
I hope they do get what they want. That way when the shit doesn\'t work. We can all safely say what everybody already knows. GWB isn\'t very bright.
Freedom as seen through my eyes…
I have the freedom to get together with a group of friends and pray to
my God.
I have the freedom to say what I please yet I know what limits I must take as to not offend someone.
I have the freedom to go to school and seek a higher education as I see fit and when I see fit.
I have the freedom to work at any job that will hire me for the qualifications I might have.
I have the freedom to go to any store and purchase any item I desire.
I have the freedom to own firearms.
I have the freedom to sell what I wish to sell.
I have the freedom to marry.
I have the freedom to have as many children as my wife and I can handle.
I have the freedom to travel in and out of this countries border.
I have the freedom to do and say as I please as long as I can stay within a moral limit (my own decision) and maintain the understanding that I do not have the freedom to injure another person without just cause.
My freedom does not make me free to do anything. But it allows me to do as I please considering that I have no wish to hurt those around me or unjustly offend another person.
To those that cannot stand as firmly as I do on my freedom I ask this; have you ever lived within a country where freedom was not yet bought? Bought and paid for by the lives of men/woman willing to fight for the freedom you might have today. I do not look upon the United States flag in honor of the choices my government has made, I honor the flag because it stands for a free nation, it stands for those who died to make it so. I pity those that cannot honor the flag this way. I pity you because you have no respect for the freedom that allows you to bash the country you live in. I pity you.