And no Spudz, you\'re uncle isn\'t half as strong as the strongest guy in WWE
Did I say this?
But since I can\'t keep my big mouth shut, I\'ll chime in on the athletesism of wrestling. Pro Wrestling is THE most physically demanding thing you could possibly do. I\'m the f*cking deffinition of an all-around athlete, and what the wrestlers do in the ring is beyond me. They are agile, quick and strong beyond words. You think those fake steroid fueled muscles are weak? Consider this, the WWE now employs two ex-strongest man in the world winners, and they may not be the strongest men in the WWE. Not only do these monsters have strength but the agility they have is beyond words, seeing a 300 pounder do a backflip is a mighty impressive thing.
Im not saying wrestlers are strong, or athletic. Its just they way they use their athleticism (sp?) with wrestling. And saying it is the most
Pro Wrestling is THE most physically demanding thing you could possibly do.
Possibly the stupidiest thing I have heard from anyone. And I know alot of stupid people.
I can list so many sports so much more physically demanding than Wrestling. Soccer for one. Not being a fan, and not even watching or paying attention to it- i can tell right now it is more physically demanding than wrestling. They run well over 30 miles in a game, Im guessing.
Skateboarding is more physically demanding. When I go out for a session with r4nd0m and my friends, I sweat gallons almost. So many sports are more physically demanding than wrestling.
And I\'m sure alot of members here also think wrestling is just plain out stupid.
Im not going to post back in this forum, so post whatever, but I wont read it, just because I dont want to start a flame war.
I respect both of you, and are some of my favorite memberse here, But just calling me a moron because I think wrestling is stupid is unjust. Im not offended, But I find it a bit pathetic.
PM if you want to talk, or even email me if you want to ;