How can you call wrestlers pathetic? The shi* they go through to give the fans a good "show" Most recently Kurt Angle totally fuc*ed up his neck and will be out of action for a year, he\'s an ex Olympic gold medallist and a NCAA champion, he\'s hardly pathetic, is he? And what about Mark Henry, he won a world Strongman contest, so you can’t say wrestlers look good but are weak.
While I don’t particularly enjoy female wrestling (unless there’s mud involved) these women do a great job, they are sexy and very athletic, the female wrestlers of today are doing a great job, and they are advancing so much.
And you think wrestling isn’t demanding? WTF are you on? Most of these guys are near physical perfection, you can’t do what they do without determination and hard work, these guys and gals probably live in the damn gym.
And, I don’t want to start a fight or nothing, but I think you’re a damn idiot, I have been watching wrestling for about 14 years and I can’t remember one big sweetie guy wearing a pink leotard, you’re just another uninformed cretin, and quite frankly, I don’t think you are too in touch with your own sexuality, if you are not comfortable enough to watch two guys touch each other (not like that you filthy gits) then I feel sorry for you, I guess I’m gay because I give me Unc a hug when I see him(like every 5 months) or when my knee touches another guys sitting next to me in the car. And I bet you think it’s gay when Theomen bums men for cold hard cash

Well, I’ve had my say, I feel better now, and I just hope you run into the Undertaker (6ft 11) or Big Show (7ft 2) one day so you can tell them they suck to their face.